Goto Section: 76.953 | 76.955 | Table of Contents

FCC 76.954
Revised as of September 2, 2011
Goto Year:2011 | 2013
§  76.954   Initial review of complaint; minimum showing requirement;
dismissal of defective complaints.

   (a) The Commission will conduct an initial review of a complaint to
   determine if it meets the minimum showing required to allow the
   complaint to go forward. The minimum showing shall be satisfied if the
   complaint is filed using the standard complaint form described in
   § 76.951 and includes all information and attachments required by that
   form. A complainant will not be required, as part of the minimum
   showing, to provide the underlying information and calculations
   necessary to judge the cable programming service rate in question
   against the Commission's rate standards.

   (b) A complaint that does not meet the minimum showing requirement
   described in paragraph (a) of this section will be considered
   defective. A defective complaint will be dismissed without prejudice to
   filing a corrected complaint as provided by § 76.955. The Commission
   will notify the complainant by mail of the dismissal. The filing of a
   complaint on the applicable form, but which is otherwise defective,
   will toll the limitation period established by § 76.953.

Goto Section: 76.953 | 76.955

Goto Year: 2011 | 2013
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