FCC 90.267 Revised as of September 29, 2014
Goto Year:2013 |
§ 90.267 Assignment and use of frequencies in the 450-470 MHz band for low
power use.
(a) The following frequencies between 450-470 MHz are designated for
low-power use subject to the provisions of this section. For purposes
of this section these frequencies are referred to as "low power
frequencies." Pairs are shown but single frequencies are available for
simplex operations.
(b) Group A1 Frequencies. The Industrial/Business Pool frequencies in
Group A1 are available on a coordinated basis, pursuant to
§ § 90.35(b)(2) and 90.175(b), as follows:
(1) Group A1 frequencies are available for voice and non-voice
operations on a co-primary basis. Base, mobile and operational fixed
stations will be authorized on Group A1 frequencies. Fixed stations may
be licensed as mobile.
(2) Within 80 kilometers (50 miles) of the specified coordinates of the
top 100 urban areas listed in § 90.741 of this chapter ("80 km
circles") only low power operation will be authorized. The coordinates
of an operational fixed or base station and the geographic center
(latitude and longitude) of a mobile area of operation determine
whether a station is within an "80 km circle."
(i) The maximum ERP for low power operation on Group A1 frequencies is
as follows:
Operation Low side of frequency pair (watts) High side of frequency
pair (watts)
Operational Fixed or Base 20 6
Mobile 6 6
Portable 2 2
(ii) The maximum antenna height for low power fixed stations on Group
A1 frequencies will be 23 meters (75 feet) above ground.
(3) Outside the "80 km circles" defined in paragraph (b)(2), full-power
operational fixed, base, or mobile stations will be authorized as
(i) Power and antenna height limits are governed by § 90.205 of this
(ii) For any operational fixed, base or mobile station exceeding the
low power or antenna height limits listed in paragraph (b)(2), the 21
dBu F(50,10) contour may not overlap any portion of an "80 km circle;"
(iii) Wide area operations will not be permitted. The area of normal
day-to-day operations will be described in the application in terms of
maximum distance from a geographic center (latitude and longitude).
(4) The Industrial/Business Pool Group A1 Low Power Frequencies are as
451/456.18125 451/456.58125 452/457.10625 452/457.70625
451/456.1875 451/456.5875 452/457.1125 452/457.7125
451/456.19375 451/456.59375 452/457.11875 452/457.71875
451/456.28125 451/456.60625 452/457.13125 452/457.78125
451/456.2875 451/456.6125 452/457.1375 452/457.7875
451/456.29375 451/456.61875 452/457.14375 452/457.79375
451/456.30625 451/456.65625 452/457.15625 452/457.80625
451/456.3125 451/456.6625 452/457.1625 452/457.8125
451/456.31875 451/456.66875 452/457.16875 452/457.81875
451/456.35625 451/456.68125 452/457.18125 452/457.83125
451/456.3625 451/456.6875 452/457.1875 452/457.8375
451/456.36875 451/456.69375 452/457.19375 452/457.84375
451/456.38125 451/456.70625 452/457.28125 452/457.88125
451/456.3875 451/456.7125 452/457.2875 452/457.8875
451/456.39375 451/456.71875 452/457.29375 452/457.89375
451/456.40625 451/456.73125 452/457.48125 452/457.98125
451/456.4125 451/456.7375 452/457.4875 452/457.9875
451/456.41875 451/456.74375 452/457.49375 452/457.99375
451/456.45625 451/456.75625 452.53125 (unpaired) 462/467.18125
451/456.4625 451/456.7625 452.5375 (unpaired) 462/467.1875
451/456.46875 451/456.76875 452.54375 (unpaired) 462/467.19375
451/456.48125 452/457.03125 452/457.63125 462/467.45625
451/456.4875 452/457.0375 452/457.6375 462/467.4625
451/456.49375 452/457.04375 452/457.64375 462/467.46875
451/456.50625 452/457.05625 452/457.65625 462/467.48125
451/456.5125 452/457.0625 452/457.6625 462/467.4875
451/456.51875 452/457.06875 452/457.66875 462/467.49375
451/456.55625 452/457.08125 452/457.68125 462/467.50625
451/456.5625 452/457.0875 452/457.6875 462/467.5125
451/456.56875 452/457.09375 452/457.69375 462/467.51875
(c) Group A2 Frequencies. The Industrial/Business Pool frequencies in
Group A2 are available nationwide on a coordinated basis, pursuant
§ § 90.35(b)(2) and 90.175(b) as follows:
(1) Group A2 frequencies are available for voice and non-voice
operations on a co-primary basis. Base, mobile or operational fixed
stations will be authorized on Group A2 frequencies. Fixed stations may
be licensed as mobile.
(2) Low power operation will be authorized nationwide on Group A2
(i) The maximum ERP for low power operation on these frequencies is as
Operation Low side of frequency pair High side of frequency pair
Operational Fixed or Base 20 6
Mobile 6 6
Portable 2 2
(ii) The maximum antenna height for low power fixed stations will be 23
meters (75 feet) above ground.
(3) The Industrial/Business Pool Group A2 Low Power Frequencies are as
451/456.23125 451/456.53125 452/457.40625 452/457.85625
451/456.2375 451/456.5375 452/457.4125 452/457.8625
451/456.24375 451/456.54375 452/457.41875 452/457.86875
451/456.33125 451/456.63125 452/457.50625
451/456.3375 451/456.6375 452/457.5125
451/456.34375 451/456.64375 452/457.51875
451/456.43125 452/457.30625 452/457.75625
451/456.4375 452/457.3125 452/457.7625
451/456.44375 452/457.31875 452/457.76875
(d) Group B Frequencies. The Industrial/Business Pool frequencies in
Group B are available nationwide on a coordinated basis, pursuant to
§ § 90.35(b)(2) and 90.175(b) as follows:
(1) Group B frequencies are available for non-voice operations on a
primary basis. Voice operations will be permitted on a secondary basis.
Base, mobile or operational fixed stations will be authorized on Group
B frequencies. Fixed stations may be licensed as mobile.
(2) Operation on these frequencies is limited to 6 watts ERP for base,
mobile or operational fixed stations and 2 watts ERP for portable
units. A maximum antenna height of 7 meters (20 ft) above ground is
authorized for fixed stations.
(3) The Industrial/Business Pool Group B Frequencies are as follows:
462/467.20625 462/467.28125 462/467.35625 462/467.43125
462/467.2125 462/467.2875 462/467.3625 462/467.4375
462/467.21875 462/467.29375 462/467.36875 462/467.44375
462/467.23125 462/467.30625 462/467.38125
462/467.2375 462/467.3125 462/467.3875
462/467.24375 462/467.31875 462/467.39375
462/467.25625 462/467.33125 462/467.40625
462/467.2625 462/467.3375 462/467.4125
462/467.26875 462/467.34375 462/467.41875
(e) Group C Frequencies. The Industrial/Business Pool frequencies in
Group C are available nationwide for non-coordinated itinerant use as
(1) Group C frequencies are available for voice and non-voice
operations on a co-primary basis. Only mobile operations will be
authorized on Group C frequencies. Stations may operate at fixed
locations for a temporary period of time. No stations operating at a
permanent fixed location will be authorized on Group C frequencies.
(2) Operation on these frequencies is limited to 6 watts effective
radiated power for fixed or mobile units and 2 watts ERP for portable
units. Stations operating at fixed locations for a temporary period of
time will be limited to an antenna height of 7 meters (20 feet) above
(3) The Industrial/Business Pool Group C Low Power Frequencies are as
461/466.03125 461/466.15625 461/466.28125 462.8125
461/466.0375 461/466.1625 461/466.2875 462.8375 (unpaired)
461/466.04375 461/466.16875 461/466.29375 462/467.8625
461/466.05625 461/466.18125 461/466.30625 462/467.8875
461/466.0625 461/466.1875 461/466.3125 462/467.9125
461/466.06875 461/466.19375 461/466.31875 464/469.48125
461/466.08125 461/466.20625 461/466.33125 464/469.4875
461/466.0875 461/466.2125 461/466.3375 464/469.5125
461/466.09375 461/466.21875 461/466.34375 464/469.51875
461/466.10625 461/466.23125 461/466.35625 464/469.53125
461/466.1125 461/466.2375 461/466.3625 464/469.5375
461/466.11875 461/466.24375 461/466.36875 464/469.5625
461/466.13125 461/466.25625 462.7625 (unpaired) 464/469.56875
461/466.1375 461/466.2625 462.7875 (unpaired)
461/466.14375 461/466.26875 462.8125 (unpaired)
(f) Group D Frequencies. The Industrial/Business Pool frequencies in
Group D are available for central station alarm operations on a
coordinated basis, pursuant to § § 90.35(b)(2) and 90.175(b).
(1) Base, mobile or operational fixed stations will be authorized on
Group D frequencies. Fixed stations may be licensed as mobile.
(2) Group D frequencies subject to § 90.35(c)(63) are limited to
central station alarm use within the urban areas described in
§ 90.35(c)(63). Outside the urban areas described in § 90.35(c)(63),
Group D frequencies subject to § 90.35(c)(63) are available for general
Industrial/Business use on a coordinated basis, pursuant to
§ § 90.35(b)(2) and 90.175(b).
(3) Group D frequencies subject to § 90.35(c)(66) are limited to
central station alarm use nationwide.
(4) Operation on Group D frequencies is limited to 2 watts output power
for mobile, base or operational fixed stations. Fixed stations used for
central station alarm operations may utilize antennas mounted not more
than 7 meters (20 feet) above a man-made supporting structure,
including antenna structure.
(5) The Industrial/Business Pool Group D Low Power Frequencies are as
460/465.90625 460/465.95625 461/466.00625
460/465.9125 460/465.9625 461/466.0125
460/466.91875 460/465.96875 461/466.01875
460/465.93125 460/465.98125
460/465.9375 460/465.9875
460/465.94375 460/465.99375
(g) Low Power Public Safety Frequencies. The frequencies in the Public
Safety Pool Low Power Group are available nationwide on a coordinated
basis, pursuant to § § 90.20(c)(2) and 90.175(b).
(1) Base, mobile or operational fixed stations will be authorized on
Public Safety Low Power frequencies. Fixed stations may be licensed as
(2) Operation on these frequencies is limited to 6 watts effective
radiated power for base, mobile or operational fixed stations and 2
watts ERP for portable units. A maximum antenna height of 7 meters (20
feet) above ground is authorized for fixed stations.
(3) The Public Safety Pool Low Power Frequencies are as follows:
453/458.03125 453/458.13125 453/458.95625 460/465.53125
453/458.0375 453/458.1375 453/458.9625 460/465.5375
453/458.04375 453/458.14375 453/458.96875 460/465.54375
453/458.05625 453/458.88125 453/458.98125 460/465.55625
453/458.0625 453/458.8875 453/458.9875 460/465.5625
453/458.06875 453/458.89375 453/458.99375 460/465.56875
453/458.08125 453/458.90625 460/465.48125
453/458.0875 453/458.9125 460/465.4875
453/458.09375 453/458.91875 460/465.49375
453/458.10625 453/458.93125 460/465.50625
453/458.1125 453/458.9375 460/465.5125
453/458.11875 453/458.94375 460/465.51875
(h) Unless otherwise noted, the following conditions apply to all low
power frequencies:
(1) Except for itinerant operations on Group C, wide area operations
will not be authorized. The area of normal day-to-day operations will
be described in the application in terms of maximum distance from a
geographic center (latitude and longitude).
(2) A hospital or health care institution holding a license to operate
a radio station under this part may operate a medical radio telemetry
device with an output power not to exceed 20 milliwatts without
specific authorization from the Commission. All licensees operating
under this authority must comply with the requirements and limitations
set forth in this section.
(3) No limit shall be placed on the length or height above ground level
of any commercially manufactured radiating transmission line when the
transmission line is terminated in a non-radiating load and is routed
at least 7 meters (20 feet) interior to the edge of any structure or is
routed below ground level.
(4) Sea-based stations may utilize antennas mounted not more than 7
meters (20 feet) above a man-made supporting structure, including
antenna structures.
(5) Continuous carrier operations are prohibited on these frequencies.
(6) Unless specified elsewhere in this part, licensees as of August 5,
1999, licensed for operations with an emission designator wider than
11.25 kHz on low power frequencies that are subject to an authorized
bandwidth of 11.25 kHz, may obtain primary status with respect to
co-channel licensees by supplying their coordinates to the Commission.
These licensees will continue to operate on a secondary basis with
respect to adjacent channel licensees. Additionally, these licensees
may continue to operate with an authorized bandwidth wider than 11.25
kHz on such low power frequencies, subject to the provisions of
§ 90.209(b) of this chapter.
(7) Unless specified elsewhere in this part, licensees as of August 5,
1999, licensed for operations with an emission designator wider than
11.25 kHz on frequencies that are subject to an authorized bandwidth of
11.25 kHz, which are not low power frequencies, may obtain primary
status with respect to co-channel licensees by modifying their license
to low power frequencies, supplying their coordinates to the
Commission, and otherwise complying with the conditions of paragraphs
(b) through (g) of this section. These licensees will continue to
operate on a secondary basis with respect to adjacent channel
licensees. Additionally, these licensees may continue to operate with
an authorized bandwidth wider than 11.25 kHz on such low power
frequencies, subject to the provisions of § 90.209(b) of this chapter.
(8) Applicants proposing to operate with an authorized bandwidth wider
than 11.25 kHz, on low power frequencies that are subject to an
authorized bandwidth of 11.25 kHz, may be licensed on a secondary,
non-interference basis. Such applicants are subject to the conditions
of paragraphs (b) through (g) of this section and the provisions of
§ 90.209(b) of this chapter.
[ 68 FR 19461 , Apr. 21, 2003; 68 FR 55319 , Sept. 25, 2003, as amended at
69 FR 4254 , Jan. 29, 2004; 75 FR 19284 , Apr. 14, 2010]
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