Goto Section: 1.1912 | 1.1914 | Table of Contents

FCC 1.1913
Revised as of October 2, 2015
Goto Year:2014 | 2016
§ 1.1913   Administrative offset against amounts payable from Civil Service
Retirement and Disability Fund.

   Upon  providing  the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) with written
   certification that a debtor has been afforded the procedures provided in
   § 1.1912(b)(4),  the  Commission  may  request OPM to offset a debtor's
   anticipated or future benefit payments under the Civil Service Retirement
   and Disability Fund (Fund) in accordance with regulations codified at 5 CFR
   831.1801-831.1808. Upon receipt of such a request, OPM will identify and
   “flag”  a debtor's account in anticipation of the time when the debtor
   requests, or becomes eligible to receive, payments from the Fund. This will
   satisfy any requirement that offset be initiated prior to the expiration of
   the time limitations referenced in § 1.1914(a)(4).

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Goto Section: 1.1912 | 1.1914

Goto Year: 2014 | 2016
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