Goto Section: 1.2114 | 1.2201 | Table of Contents

FCC 1.2200
Revised as of October 2, 2015
Goto Year:2014 | 2016
§ 1.2200   Definitions.

   For purposes of § § 1.2200 through 1.2209:

   (a) Broadcast television licensee. The term broadcast television licensee
   means the licensee of

   (1) A full-power television station, or

   (2) A low-power television station that has been accorded primary status as
   a Class A television licensee under § 73.6001(a) of this chapter.

   (b) Channel sharee. The term channel sharee means a broadcast television
   licensee that relinquishes all spectrum usage rights with respect to a
   particular television channel in order to share a television channel with
   another broadcast television licensee.

   (c) Channel sharer. The term channel sharer means a broadcast television
   licensee that shares its television channel with a channel sharee.

   (d)  Channel  sharing bid. The term channel sharing bid means a bid to
   relinquish all spectrum usage rights with respect to a particular television
   channel  in order to share a television channel with another broadcast
   television licensee.

   (e)  Forward auction. The term forward auction means the portion of an
   incentive auction of broadcast television spectrum described in section
   6403(c) of the Spectrum Act.

   (f) High-VHF-to-low-VHF bid. The term high-VHF-to-low-VHF bid means a bid to
   relinquish  all spectrum usage rights with respect to a high very high
   frequency (“VHF”) television channel (channels 7 through 13) in return for
   receiving spectrum usage rights with respect to a low VHF television channel
   (channels 2 through 6).

   (g) License relinquishment bid. The term license relinquishment bid means a
   bid to relinquish all spectrum usage rights with respect to a particular
   television channel without receiving in return any spectrum usage rights
   with respect to another television channel.

   (h) NCE station. The term NCE station means a noncommercial educational
   television broadcast station as defined in § 73.621 of this chapter.

   (i)  Reverse auction. The term reverse auction means the portion of an
   incentive auction of broadcast television spectrum described in section
   6403(a) of the Spectrum Act.

   (j) Reverse auction bid. The term reverse auction bid includes a license
   relinquishment bid, a UHF-to-VHF bid, a high-VHF-to-low-VHF bid, a channel
   sharing bid, and any other reverse auction bids permitted.

   (k) Spectrum Act. The term Spectrum Act means Title VI of the Middle Class
   Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of 2012 (Pub. L. 112-96).

   (l) UHF-to-VHF bid. The term UHF-to-VHF bid means a bid to relinquish all
   spectrum  usage rights with respect to an ultra-high frequency (“UHF”)
   television  channel in return for receiving spectrum usage rights with
   respect to a high VHF television channel or a low VHF television channel.

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Goto Section: 1.2114 | 1.2201

Goto Year: 2014 | 2016
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