Goto Section: 18.212 | 18.301 | Table of Contents

FCC 18.213
Revised as of October 2, 2015
Goto Year:2014 | 2016
§ 18.213   Information to the user.

   Information on the following matters shall be provided to the user in the
   instruction manual or on the packaging if an instruction manual is not
   provided for any type of ISM equipment:

   (a) The interference potential of the device or system

   (b) Maintenance of the system

   (c) Simple measures that can be taken by the user to correct interference.

   (d) Manufacturers of RF lighting devices must provide an advisory statement,
   either on the product packaging or with other user documentation, similar to
   the following: This product may cause interference to radio equipment and
   should not be installed near maritime safety communications equipment or
   other critical navigation or communication equipment operating between
   0.45-30 MHz. Variations of this language are permitted provided all the
   points of the statement are addressed and may be presented in any legible
   font or text style.

   [ 50 FR 36069 , Sept. 5, 1985, as amended at  51 FR 17970 , May 16, 1986;  64 FR 37419 , July 12, 1999]

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Subpart C—Technical Standards

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Goto Section: 18.212 | 18.301

Goto Year: 2014 | 2016
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