Goto Section: 20.18 | 20.20 | Table of Contents

FCC 20.19
Revised as of October 2, 2015
Goto Year:2014 | 2016
§ 20.19   Hearing aid-compatible mobile handsets.

   (a)  Scope  of section; definitions. (1) The hearing aid compatibility
   requirements of this section apply to providers of digital CMRS in the
   United States to the extent that they offer real-time, two-way switched
   voice  or data service that is interconnected with the public switched
   network and utilizes an in-network switching facility that enables the
   provider  to  reuse  frequencies  and accomplish seamless hand-offs of
   subscriber calls, and such service is provided over frequencies in the 698
   MHz to 6 GHz bands.

   (2) The requirements of this section also apply to the manufacturers of the
   wireless handsets that are used in delivery of the services specified in
   paragraph (a)(1) of this section.

   (3) Definitions. For purposes of this section:

   (i) Handset refers to a device used in delivery of the services specified in
   paragraph (a)(1) of this section that contains a built-in speaker and is
   typically held to the ear in any of its ordinary uses.

   (ii) Manufacturer refers to a wireless handset manufacturer to which the
   requirements of this section apply.

   (iii) Model refers to a wireless handset device that a manufacturer has
   designated as a distinct device model, consistent with its own marketing
   practices.  However,  if a manufacturer assigns different model device
   designations solely to distinguish units sold to different carriers, or to
   signify other distinctions that do not relate to either form, features, or
   capabilities, such designations shall not count as distinct models for
   purposes of this section.

   (iv) Service provider refers to a provider of digital CMRS to which the
   requirements of this section apply.

   (v)  Tier I carrier refers to a CMRS provider that offers such service

   (b) Hearing aid compatibility; technical standards—(1) For radio frequency
   interference. A wireless handset submitted for equipment certification or
   for a permissive change relating to hearing aid compatibility must meet, at
   a minimum, the M3 rating associated with the technical standard set forth in
   either  the  standard  document “American National Standard Methods of
   Measurement of Compatibility Between Wireless Communication Devices and
   Hearing  Aids,”  ANSI  C63.19-2007  or ANSI C63.19-2011. Any grants of
   certification issued before January 1, 2010, under previous versions of ANSI
   C63.19 remain valid for hearing aid compatibility purposes.

   (2) For inductive coupling. A wireless handset submitted for equipment
   certification  or  for  a  permissive  change  relating to hearing aid
   compatibility must meet, at a minimum, the T3 rating associated with the
   technical standard set forth in either the standard document “American
   National Standard Methods of Measurement of Compatibility Between Wireless
   Communication  Devices  and  Hearing  Aids,”  ANSI C63.19-2007 or ANSI
   C63.19-2011. Any grants of certification issued before January 1, 2010,
   under  previous  versions  of ANSI C63.19 remain valid for hearing aid
   compatibility purposes.

   (3) Handsets operating over multiple frequency bands or air interfaces. (i)
   Except as provided in paragraph (b)(3)(ii) of this section, a wireless
   handset used for digital CMRS only over the 698 MHz to 6 GHz frequency bands
   is hearing aid-compatible with regard to radio frequency interference or
   inductive coupling if it meets the applicable technical standard set forth
   in paragraph (b)(1) or (b)(2) of this section for all frequency bands and
   air interfaces over which it operates, and the handset has been certified as
   compliant with the test requirements for the applicable standard pursuant to
   § 2.1033(d) of this chapter. A wireless handset that incorporates operations
   outside the 698 MHz to 6 GHz frequency bands is hearing aid-compatible if
   the handset otherwise satisfies the requirements of this paragraph.

   (ii) A handset that is introduced by the manufacturer prior to July 17,
   2013, and that does not meet the requirements for hearing aid compatibility
   under paragraph (b)(3)(i) of this section, is hearing aid-compatible for
   radio frequency interference or inductive coupling only with respect to
   those frequency bands and air interfaces for which technical standards are
   stated in ANSI C63.19-2007 if it meets, at a minimum, an M3 rating (for
   radio frequency interference) or a T3 rating (for inductive coupling) under
   ANSI C63.19-2007 for all such frequency bands and air interfaces over which
   it operates, and the handset has been certified as compliant with the test
   requirements for the applicable standard pursuant to § 2.1033(d) of this

   (4) All factual questions of whether a wireless handset meets the technical
   standard(s) of this paragraph shall be referred for resolution to the Chief,
   Office of Engineering and Technology, Federal Communications Commission, 445
   12th Street, SW., Washington, DC 20554.

   (c) Phase-in of requirements relating to radio frequency interference. The
   following applies to each manufacturer and service provider that offers
   wireless  handsets  used  in the delivery of the services specified in
   paragraph (a) of this section and that does not fall within the de minimis
   exception set forth in paragraph (e) of this section. However, prior to July
   17, 2014 for manufacturers and Tier I carriers and October 17, 2014 for
   service providers other than Tier I carriers, the requirements of this
   section do not apply to handset operations over frequency bands and air
   interfaces for which technical standards are not stated in ANSI C63.19-2007.

   (1)  Manufacturers—(i) Number of hearing aid-compatible handset models
   offered.  For  each digital air interface for which it offers wireless
   handsets in the United States or imported for use in the United States, each
   manufacturer of wireless handsets must offer handset models that comply with
   paragraph (b)(1) of this section. Prior to September 8, 2011, handset models
   for  purposes of this paragraph include only models offered to service
   providers in the United States.

   (A) If it offers four to six models, at least two of those handset models
   must comply with the requirements set forth in paragraph (b)(1) of this

   (B) If it offers more than six models, at least one-third of those handset
   models (rounded down to the nearest whole number) must comply with the
   requirements set forth in paragraph (b)(1) of this section.

   (ii) Refresh requirement. Beginning in calendar year 2009, and for each year
   thereafter that it elects to produce a new model, each manufacturer that
   offers any new model for a particular air interface during the calendar year
   must “refresh” its offerings of hearing aid-compatible handset models by
   offering a mix of new and existing models that comply with paragraph (b)(1)
   of this section according to the following requirements:

   (A) For manufacturers that offer three models per air interface, at least
   one new model rated M3 or higher shall be introduced every other calendar

   (B)  For manufacturers that offer four or more models operating over a
   particular air interface, the number of models rated M3 or higher that must
   be new models introduced during that calendar year is equal to one-half of
   the  minimum number of models rated M3 or higher required for that air
   interface (rounded up to the nearest whole number).

   (C) Beginning September 10, 2012, for manufacturers that together with their
   parent,  subsidiary,  or affiliate companies under common ownership or
   control, have had more than 750 employees for at least two years and that
   offer two models over an air interface for which they have been offering
   handsets for at least two years, at least one new model rated M3 or higher
   shall be introduced every other calendar year.

   (2) Tier I carriers. For each digital air interface for which it offers
   wireless handsets to customers, each Tier I carrier must either:

   (i) Ensure that at least fifty (50) percent of the handset models it offers
   comply with paragraph (b)(1) of this section, calculated based on the total
   number  of  unique  digital wireless handset models the carrier offers
   nationwide; or

   (ii) Ensure that it offers, at a minimum, the following specified number of
   handset models that comply with paragraph (b)(1) of this section:

   (A) Prior to February 15, 2009, at least eight (8) handset models;

   (B) Beginning February 15, 2009, at least nine (9) handset models; and

   (C) Beginning February 15, 2010, at least ten (10) handset models.

   (3) Service providers other than Tier I carriers. For each digital air
   interface for which it offers wireless handsets to customers, each service
   provider other than a Tier I carrier must:

   (i) Prior to September 7, 2008, include in the handset models it offers at
   least two handset models that comply with paragraph (b)(1) of this section;

   (ii) Beginning September 7, 2008, either:

   (A) Ensure that at least fifty (50) percent of the handset models it offers
   comply with paragraph (b)(1) of this section, calculated based on the total
   number of unique digital wireless handset models the service provider offers
   nationwide; or

   (B) Ensure that it offers, at a minimum, the following specified number of
   handset models that comply with paragraph (b)(1) of this section:

   (1) Until May 15, 2009, at least eight (8) handset models;

   (2) Beginning May 15, 2009, at least nine (9) handset models; and

   (3) Beginning May 15, 2010, at least ten (10) handset models.

   (4)  All service providers. The following requirements apply to Tier I
   carriers and all other service providers.

   (i)  In-store  testing.  Each service provider must make available for
   consumers to test, in each retail store owned or operated by the provider,
   all of its handset models that comply with paragraph (b)(1) of this section.

   (ii) Offering models with differing levels of functionality. Each service
   provider must offer its customers a range of hearing aid-compatible models
   with  differing levels of functionality (e.g., operating capabilities,
   features offered, prices). Each provider may determine the criteria for
   determining these differing levels of functionality, and must disclose its
   methodology to the Commission pursuant to paragraph (i)(3)(vii) of this

   (d) Phase-in of requirements relating to inductive coupling capability. The
   following applies to each manufacturer and service provider that offers
   wireless  handsets  used  in the delivery of the services specified in
   paragraph (a) of this section and that does not fall within the de minimis
   exception set forth in paragraph (e) of this section. However, prior to July
   17, 2014 for manufacturers and Tier I carriers and October 17, 2014 for
   service providers other than Tier I carriers, the requirements of this
   section do not apply to handset operations over frequency bands and air
   interfaces for which technical standards are not stated in ANSI C63.19-2007.

   (1) Manufacturers. Each manufacturer offering to service providers four or
   more handset models, and beginning September 8, 2011, each manufacturer
   offering four or more handset models, in a digital air interface for use in
   the United States or imported for use in the United States must ensure that
   it  offers to service providers, and beginning September 8, 2011, must
   ensurel that it offers, at a minimum, the following number of handset models
   that comply with the requirements set forth in paragraph (b)(2) of this
   section, whichever number is greater in any given year.

   (i) At least two (2) handset models in that air interface; or

   (ii) At least the following percentage of handset models (rounded down to
   the nearest whole number):

   (A) Beginning February 15, 2009, at least twenty (20) percent of its handset
   models in that air interface, provided that, of any such models introduced
   during calendar year 2009, one model may be rated using ANSI C63.19-2006
   (June  12,  2006), and all other models introduced during that year or
   subsequent years shall be rated using ANSI C63.19-2007 (June 8, 2007) or
   subsequently adopted version as may be approved pursuant to paragraph (k);

   (B) Beginning February 15, 2010, at least twenty-five (25) percent of its
   handset models in that air interface; and

   (C) Beginning February 15, 2011, at least one-third of its handset models in
   that air interface.

   (2) Tier I carriers. For each digital air interface for which it offers
   wireless handsets to service providers, each Tier I carrier must:

   (i) Ensure that at least one-third of the handset models it offers comply
   with paragraph (b)(2) of this section, calculated based on the total number
   of unique digital wireless handset models the carrier offers nationwide; or

   (ii) Ensure that it offers, at a minimum, the following specified number of
   handset models that comply with paragraph (b)(2) of this section:

   (A) Prior to February 15, 2009, at least three (3) handset models;

   (B) Beginning February 15, 2009, at least five (5) handset models;

   (C) Beginning February 15, 2010, at least seven (7) handset models; and

   (D) Beginning February 15, 2011, at least ten (10) handset models.

   (3) Service providers other than Tier I carriers. For each digital air
   interface for which it offers wireless handsets to customers, each service
   provider other than a Tier I carrier must:

   (i) Prior to September 7, 2008, include in the handset models it offers at
   least two handset models that comply with paragraph (b)(2) of this section;

   (ii) Beginning September 7, 2008, either:

   (A) Ensure that at least one-third of the handset models it offers comply
   with paragraph (b)(2) of this section, calculated based on the total number
   of unique digital wireless handset models the carrier offers nationwide; or

   (B) Ensure that it offers, at a minimum, the following specified number of
   handset models that comply with paragraph (b)(2) of this section:

   (1) Until May 15, 2009, at least three (3) handset models;

   (2) Beginning May 15, 2009, at least five (5) handset models;

   (3) Beginning May 15, 2010, at least seven (7) handset models; and

   (4) Beginning May 15, 2011, at least ten (10) handset models.

   (4)  All service providers. The following requirements apply to Tier I
   carriers and all other service providers.

   (i)  In-store  testing.  Each service provider must make available for
   consumers to test, in each retail store owned or operated by the provider,
   all of its handset models that comply with paragraph (b)(2) of this section.

   (ii) Offering models with differing levels of functionality. Each service
   provider must offer its customers a range of hearing aid-compatible models
   with  differing levels of functionality (e.g., operating capabilities,
   features offered, prices). Each provider may determine the criteria for
   determining these differing levels of functionality, and must disclose its
   methodology to the Commission pursuant to paragraph (i)(3)(vii) of this

   (e) De minimis exception. (1)(i) Manufacturers or service providers that
   offer two or fewer digital wireless handsets in an air interface in the
   United States are exempt from the requirements of this section in connection
   with that air interface, except with regard to the reporting requirements in
   paragraph (i) of this section. Service providers that obtain handsets only
   from manufacturers that offer two or fewer digital wireless handset models
   in  an air interface in the United States are likewise exempt from the
   requirements of this section other than paragraph (i) of this section in
   connection with that air interface.

   (ii)  Notwithstanding  paragraph  (e)(1)(i) of this section, beginning
   September 10, 2012, manufacturers that have had more than 750 employees for
   at  least two years and service providers that have had more than 1500
   employees for at least two years, and that have been offering handsets over
   an air interface for at least two years, that offer one or two digital
   wireless handsets in that air interface in the United States must offer at
   least one handset model compliant with paragraphs (b)(1) and (b)(2) of this
   section in that air interface, except as provided in paragraph (e)(1)(iii)
   of  this  section.  Service  providers  that obtain handsets only from
   manufacturers that offer one or two digital wireless handset models in an
   air  interface  in  the United States, and that have had more than 750
   employees for at least two years and have offered handsets over that air
   interface for at least two years, are required to offer at least one handset
   model in that air interface compliant with paragraphs (b)(1) and (b)(2) of
   this section, except as provided in paragraph (e)(1)(iii) of this section.
   For  purposes of this paragraph, employees of a parent, subsidiary, or
   affiliate company under common ownership or control with a manufacturer or
   service provider are considered employees of the manufacturer or service
   provider. Manufacturers and service providers covered by this paragraph must
   also comply with all other requirements of this section.

   (iii) Manufacturers and service providers that offer one or two digital
   handset models that operate over the GSM air interface in the 1900 MHz band
   may satisfy the requirements of paragraph (e)(1)(ii) of this section by
   offering at least one handset model that complies with paragraph (b)(2) of
   this section and that either complies with paragraph (b)(1) of this section
   or meets the following conditions:

   (A) The handset enables the user optionally to reduce the maximum power at
   which the handset will operate by no more than 2.5 decibels, except for
   emergency calls to 911, only for GSM operations in the 1900 MHz band;

   (B) The handset would comply with paragraph (b)(1) of this section if the
   power  as so reduced were the maximum power at which the handset could
   operate; and

   (C)  Customers are informed of the power reduction mode as provided in
   paragraph  (f)(3) of this section. Manufacturers and service providers
   covered by this paragraph must also comply with all other requirements of
   this section.

   (2) Manufacturers or service providers that offer three digital wireless
   handset models in an air interface must offer at least one handset model
   compliant with paragraphs (b)(1) and (b)(2) of this section in that air
   interface. Service providers that obtain handsets only from manufacturers
   that offer three digital wireless handset models in an air interface in the
   United States are required to offer at least one handset model in that air
   interface compliant with paragraphs (b)(1) and (b)(2) of this section.

   (f)  Labeling  and  disclosure requirements—(1) Labeling requirements.
   Manufacturers and service providers shall ensure that handsets that are
   hearing aid-compatible, as defined in paragraph (b) of this section, clearly
   display the rating, as defined in paragraphs (b)(1) and (b)(2) of this
   section, on the packaging material of the handset. In the event that a
   hearing aid-compatible handset achieves different radio interference or
   inductive  coupling ratings over different air interfaces or different
   frequency  bands, the RF interference reduction and inductive coupling
   capability ratings displayed shall be the lowest rating assigned to that
   handset for any air interface or frequency band. An explanation of the ANSI
   C63.19 rating system must also be included in the device's user's manual or
   as an insert in the packaging material for the handset.

   (2)  Disclosure  requirements  relating to handsets treated as hearing
   aid-compatible over fewer than all their operations.

   (i) Each manufacturer and service provider shall ensure that, wherever it
   provides hearing aid compatibility ratings for a handset that is considered
   hearing aid-compatible under paragraph (b)(3)(ii) of this section only with
   respect to those frequency bands and air interfaces for which technical
   standards are stated in ANSI C63.19-2007 and that has not been tested for
   hearing  aid compatibility under ANSI C63.19-2011, or any handset that
   operates  over  frequencies  outside of the 698 MHz to 6 GHz bands, it
   discloses to consumers, by clear and effective means (e.g., inclusion of
   call-out cards or other media, revisions to packaging materials, supplying
   of  information on Web sites), that the handset has not been rated for
   hearing aid compatibility with respect to some of its operation(s). This
   disclosure shall include the following language:

   This phone has been tested and rated for use with hearing aids for some of
   the wireless technologies that it uses. However, there may be some newer
   wireless technologies used in this phone that have not been tested yet for
   use with hearing aids. It is important to try the different features of this
   phone thoroughly and in different locations, using your hearing aid or
   cochlear implant, to determine if you hear any interfering noise. Consult
   your service provider or the manufacturer of this phone for information on
   hearing aid compatibility. If you have questions about return or exchange
   policies, consult your service provider or phone retailer.

   (ii) However, service providers are not required to include this language in
   the packaging material for handsets that incorporate a Wi-Fi air interface
   and  that  were obtained by the service provider before March 8, 2011,
   provided  that  the  service provider otherwise discloses by clear and
   effective  means  that  the handset has not been rated for hearing aid
   compatibility with respect to Wi-Fi operation.

   (iii) Each manufacturer and service provider shall ensure that, wherever it
   provides hearing aid compatibility ratings for a handset that is considered
   hearing aid-compatible under paragraph (b)(3)(ii) of this section only with
   respect to those frequency bands and air interfaces for which technical
   standards are stated in ANSI C63.19-2007, and that the manufacturer has
   tested and found not to meet hearing aid compatibility requirements under
   ANSI C63.19-2011 for operations over one or more air interfaces or frequency
   bands for which technical standards are not stated in ANSI C63.19-2007, it
   discloses to consumers, by clear and effective means (e.g., inclusion of
   call-out cards or other media, revisions to packaging materials, supplying
   of information on Web sites), that the handset does not meet the relevant
   rating or ratings with respect to such operation(s).

   (3) Disclosure requirement relating to handsets that allow the user to
   reduce the maximum power for GSM operation in the 1900 MHz band. Handsets
   offered to satisfy paragraph (e)(1)(iii) of this section shall be labeled as
   meeting an M3 rating. Each manufacturer and service provider shall ensure
   that, wherever this rating is displayed, it discloses to consumers, by clear
   and effective means (e.g., inclusion of call-out cards or other media,
   revisions to packaging materials, supplying of information on Web sites),
   that user activation of a special mode is necessary to meet the hearing aid
   compatibility standard. In addition, each manufacturer or service provider
   shall ensure that the device manual or a product insert explains how to
   activate the special mode and that doing so may result in a reduction of

   (g) Model designation requirements. Where a manufacturer has made physical
   changes  to  a  handset  that  result  in  a change in the hearing aid
   compatibility rating under paragraph (b)(1) or (b)(2) of this section, the
   altered handset must be given a model designation distinct from that of the
   handset prior to its alteration.

   (h) Web site requirements. Beginning January 15, 2009, each manufacturer and
   service provider subject to this section that operates a publicly-accessible
   Web  site  must  make  available on its Web site a list of all hearing
   aid-compatible models currently offered, the ratings of those models, and an
   explanation of the rating system. Each service provider must also specify on
   its Web site, based on the levels of functionality that the service provider
   has defined, the level that each hearing aid-compatible model falls under as
   well as an explanation of how the functionality of the handsets varies at
   the different levels.

   (i) Reporting requirements—(1) Reporting dates. Manufacturers shall submit
   reports on efforts toward compliance with the requirements of this section
   on January 15, 2009 and on July 15, 2009, and on an annual basis on July 15
   thereafter.  Service  providers shall submit reports on efforts toward
   compliance with the requirements of this section on January 15, 2009, and
   annually thereafter. Information in the reports must be up-to-date as of the
   last day of the calendar month preceding the due date of the report.

   (2) Content of manufacturer reports. Reports filed by manufacturers must

   (i) Digital wireless handset models tested, since the most recent report,
   for compliance with the applicable hearing aid compatibility technical

   (ii) Compliant handset models offered to service providers since the most
   recent report, identifying each model by marketing model name/number(s) and
   FCC ID number;

   (iii) For each compliant model, the air interface(s) and frequency band(s)
   over which it operates, the hearing aid compatibility ratings for each
   frequency  band and air interface under ANSI Standard C63.19, the ANSI
   Standard  C63.19  version  used, and the months in which the model was
   available to service providers since the most recent report;

   (iv) Non-compliant models offered to service providers since the most recent
   report, identifying each model by marketing model name/number(s) and FCC ID

   (v)  For  each non-compliant model, the air interface(s) over which it
   operates  and  the  months in which the model was available to service
   providers since the most recent report;

   (vi) Total numbers of compliant and non-compliant models offered to service
   providers for each air interface as of the time of the report;

   (vii) Any instance, as of the date of the report or since the most recent
   report, in which multiple compliant or non-compliant devices were marketed
   under separate model name/numbers but constitute a single model for purposes
   of the hearing aid compatibility rules, identifying each device by marketing
   model name/number and FCC ID number;

   (viii) Status of product labeling;

   (ix) Outreach efforts; and

   (x) If the manufacturer maintains a public Web site, the Web site address of
   the page(s) containing the information regarding hearing aid-compatible
   handset models required by paragraph (h) of this section.

   Note to paragraph (i)(2): For reports due on January 15, 2009, information
   provided  with  respect  to paragraphs (i)(2)(ii) through(i)(2)(v) and
   (i)(2)(vii) and (i)(2)(viii) need be provided only for the six-month period
   from July 1 to December 31, 2008.

   (3) Content of service provider reports. Reports filed by service providers
   must include:

   (i) Compliant handset models offered to customers since the most recent
   report, identifying each model by marketing model name/number(s) and FCC ID

   (ii) For each compliant model, the air interface(s) and frequency band(s)
   over which it operates, the hearing aid compatibility ratings for each
   frequency band and air interface under ANSI Standard C63.19, and the months
   in which the model was available since the most recent report;

   (iii) Non-compliant models offered since the most recent report, identifying
   each model by marketing model name/number(s) and FCC ID number;

   (iv)  For each non-compliant model, the air interface(s) over which it
   operates and the months in which the model was available since the most
   recent report;

   (v) Total numbers of compliant and non-compliant models offered to customers
   for each air interface over which the service provider offers service as of
   the time of the report;

   (vi) Information related to the retail availability of compliant handset

   (vii) The levels of functionality into which the compliant handsets fall and
   an explanation of the service provider's methodology for determining levels
   of functionality;

   (viii) Status of product labeling;

   (ix) Outreach efforts; and

   (x)  If the service provider maintains a public Web site, the Web site
   address  of  the  page(s) containing the information regarding hearing
   aid-compatible handset models required by paragraph (h) of this section.

   Note to paragraph (i)(3): For reports due on January 15, 2009, information
   provided  with  respect to paragraphs (i)(3)(i) through (i)(3)(iv) and
   (i)(3)(vi) through (i)(3)(viii) need be provided only for the six-month
   period from July 1 to December 31, 2008.

   (4) Format. The Wireless Telecommunications Bureau is delegated authority to
   approve or prescribe formats and methods for submission of these reports.
   Any format that the Bureau may approve or prescribe shall be made available
   on the Bureau's Web site.

   (j) Enforcement. Enforcement of this section is hereby delegated to those
   states that adopt this section and provide for enforcement. The procedures
   followed by a state to enforce this section shall provide a 30-day period
   after a complaint is filed, during which time state personnel shall attempt
   to resolve a dispute on an informal basis. If a state has not adopted or
   incorporated this section, or failed to act within six (6) months from the
   filing  of  a  complaint with the state public utility commission, the
   Commission  will accept such complaints. A written notification to the
   complainant that the state believes action is unwarranted is not a failure
   to act. The procedures set forth in part 68, subpart E of this chapter are
   to be followed.

   (k)  Delegation of rulemaking authority. (1) The Chief of the Wireless
   Telecommunications Bureau and the Chief of the Office of Engineering and
   Technology are delegated authority, by notice-and-comment rulemaking, to
   issue  an order amending this section to the extent necessary to adopt
   technical standards for additional frequency bands and/or air interfaces
   upon  the establishment of such standards by ANSI Accredited Standards
   Committee C63TM, provided that the standards do not impose with respect to
   such frequency bands or air interfaces materially greater obligations than
   those imposed on other services subject to this section. Any new obligations
   on manufacturers and Tier I carriers pursuant to paragraphs (c) through (i)
   of this section as a result of such standards shall become effective no less
   than one year after release of the order adopting such standards and any new
   obligations on other service providers shall become effective no less than
   15 months after the release of such order, except that any new obligations
   on manufacturers and service providers subject to paragraph (e)(1)(ii) of
   this section shall become effective no less than two years after the release
   of such order.

   (2) The Chief of the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau and the Chief of the
   Office  of  Engineering  and  Technology  are  delegated authority, by
   notice-and-comment rulemaking if required by statute or otherwise in the
   public interest, to issue an order amending this section to the extent
   necessary  to approve any version of the technical standards for radio
   frequency interference or inductive coupling adopted subsequently to ANSI
   C63.19-2007 for use in determining whether a wireless handset meets the
   appropriate  rating  over frequency bands and air interfaces for which
   technical standards have previously been adopted either by the Commission or
   pursuant to paragraph (k)(1) of this section. This delegation is limited to
   the approval of changes to the technical standard that do not raise major
   compliance issues. Further, by such approvals, the Chiefs may only permit,
   and not require, the use of such subsequent versions of standard document
   ANSI C63.19 to establish hearing aid compatibility.

   (l) The standards required in this section are incorporated by reference
   into this section with the approval of the Director of the Federal Register
   under 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. To enforce any edition other than
   those specified in this section, the FCC must publish notice of change in
   the Federal Register and the material must be available to the public. All
   approved material is available for inspection at the Federal Communications
   Commission (FCC), 445 12th St. SW., Reference Information Center, Room
   CY-A257, Washington, DC 20554 and is available from the sources indicated
   below. It is also available for inspection at the National Archives and
   Records Administration (NARA). For information on the availability of this
   material at NARA, call 202-741-6030 or go to

   (1) IEEE Operations Center, 445 Hoes Lane, Piscataway, NJ 08854-4141, (732)

   (i) ANSI C63.19-2007, American National Standard Methods of Measurement of
   Compatibility between Wireless Communication Devices and Hearing Aids, June
   8, 2007

   (ii) ANSI C63.19-2011, American National Standard Methods of Measurement of
   Compatibility between Wireless Communication Devices and Hearing Aids, May
   27, 2011

   (2) [Reserved]

   [ 73 FR 25587 , May 7, 2008, as amended at  75 FR 54522 , Sept. 8, 2010;  77 FR 41928 , July 17, 2012]

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