Goto Section: 22.602 | 22.621 | Table of Contents

FCC 22.603
Revised as of October 2, 2015
Goto Year:2014 | 2016
§ 22.603   488-494 MHz fixed service in Hawaii.

   Before filing applications for authorization of inter-island control and/or
   repeater stations, applicants must coordinate the planned channel usage with
   existing licensees and other applicants with previously filed applications,
   using the procedure outlined in § 22.150. Applicants and licensees shall
   cooperate fully and make reasonable efforts to resolve any channel usage
   conflicts. In situations where technical solutions to such conflicts cannot
   be  devised, the FCC may select a channel or channels to assign or may
   designate the application(s) for hearing. To be acceptable for filing,
   applications and major technical amendments must contain a certification
   that coordination has been completed and an exhibit listing the name(s) of
   the licensees and applicants with which the planned channel usage has been

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Point-to-Multipoint Operation

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Goto Section: 22.602 | 22.621

Goto Year: 2014 | 2016
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