Goto Section: 3.71 | 3.73 | Table of Contents

FCC 3.72
Revised as of October 2, 2015
Goto Year:2014 | 2016
§ 3.72   Grounds for further enforcement action.

   (a)  The  Commission  may  take  further enforcement action, including
   forfeiture,  suspension  or  cancellation  of  an accounting authority
   certification, if it is determined that the public interest so requires.
   Reasons for which such action may be taken include, inter alia:

   (1) Failure to initiate settlements within six months of certification or
   failure to perform settlements during any subsequent six month period;

   (2) Illegal activity or fraud;

   (3) Non-payment or late payment to a foreign administration or agent;

   (4) Failure to follow ITR requirements and procedures;

   (5) Failure to take into account ITU-T Recommendations;

   (6) Failure to follow FCC rules and regulations;

   (7) Bankruptcy; or

   (8) Providing false or incomplete information to the Commission or failure
   to comply with or respond to requests for information.

   (b) Prior to taking any of the enforcement actions in paragraph (a) of this
   section, the Commission will give notice of its intent to take the specified
   action and the grounds therefor, and afford a 30-day period for a response
   in  writing; provided that, where the public interest so requires, the
   Commission may temporarily suspend a certification pending completion of
   these procedures. Responses must be forwarded to the Accounting Authority
   Certification Officer. See § 3.61.

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Goto Section: 3.71 | 3.73

Goto Year: 2014 | 2016
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