Goto Section: 4.2 | 4.5 | Table of Contents

FCC 4.3
Revised as of October 2, 2015
Goto Year:2014 | 2016
§ 4.3   Communications providers covered by the requirements of this part.

   (a) Cable communications providers are cable service providers that also
   provide  circuit-switched  telephony. Also included are affiliated and
   non-affiliated entities that maintain or provide communications networks or
   services used by the provider in offering telephony.

   (b) Communications provider is an entity that provides for a fee to one or
   more  unaffiliated  entities, by radio, wire, cable, satellite, and/or
   lightguide: two-way voice and/or data communications, paging service, and/or
   SS7 communications.

   (c)  IXC  or  LEC tandem facilities refer to tandem switches (or their
   equivalents)  and  interoffice  facilities  used  in  the provision of
   interexchange or local exchange communications.

   (d) Satellite communications providers use space stations as a means of
   providing the public with communications, such as telephony and paging. Also
   included are affiliated and non-affiliated entities that maintain or provide
   communications networks or services used by the provider in offering such
   communications. “Satellite operators” refer to entities that operate space
   stations but do not necessarily provide communications services directly to
   end users.

   (e)  Signaling  System  7  (SS7) is a signaling system used to control
   telecommunications networks. It is frequently used to “set up,” process,
   control, and terminate circuit-switched telecommunications, including but
   not limited to domestic and international telephone calls (irrespective of
   whether  the call is wholly or in part wireless, wireline, local, long
   distance, or is carried over cable or satellite infrastructure), SMS text
   messaging services, 8XX number type services, local number portability, VoIP
   signaling  gateway services, 555 number type services, and most paging
   services.  For  purposes of this rule part, SS7 refers to both the SS7
   protocol and the packet networks through which signaling information is
   transported and switched or routed. It includes future modifications to the
   existing SS7 architecture that will provide the functional equivalency of
   the SS7 services and network elements that exist as of August 4, 2004. SS7
   communications  providers are subject to the provisions of this part 4
   regardless of whether or not they provide service directly to end users.
   Also  subject  to  part 4 of the Commission's rules are affiliated and
   non-affiliated entities that maintain or provide communications networks or
   services used by the SS7 provider in offering SS7 communications.

   (f) Wireless service providers include Commercial Mobile Radio Service
   communications providers that use cellular architecture and CMRS paging
   providers. See § 20.9 of this chapter for the definition of Commercial Mobile
   Radio Service. Also included are affiliated and non-affiliated entities that
   maintain or provide communications networks or services used by the provider
   in offering such communications.

   (g) Wireline communications providers offer terrestrial communications
   through  direct connectivity, predominantly by wire, coaxial cable, or
   optical  fiber,  between the serving central office (as defined in the
   appendix to part 36 of this chapter) and end user location(s). Also included
   are  affiliated  and  non-affiliated entities that maintain or provide
   communications networks or services used by the provider in offering such

   (h)  Interconnected  Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) providers are
   providers of interconnected VoIP service. See § 9.3 of this chapter for the
   definition  of  interconnected  VoIP  service.  Such  providers may be
   facilities-based or non-facilities-based. Also included are affiliated and
   non-affiliated entities that maintain or provide communications networks or
   services used by the provider in offering such communications.

   (i) Exclusion of equipment manufacturers or vendors. Excluded from the
   requirements of this part 4 are those equipment manufacturers or vendors
   that do not maintain or provide communications networks or services used by
   communications providers in offering communications.

   [ 69 FR 70338 , Dec. 3, 2004, as amended at  77 FR 25097 , Apr. 27, 2012]

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Goto Section: 4.2 | 4.5

Goto Year: 2014 | 2016
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