Goto Section: 64.5111 | 64.6010 | Table of Contents

FCC 64.6000
Revised as of October 2, 2015
Goto Year:2014 | 2016
§ 64.6000   Definitions.

   As used in this subpart:

   Ancillary charges mean any charges to Consumers not included in the charges
   assessed for individual calls and that Consumers may be assessed for the use
   of Inmate Calling Services. Ancillary Charges include, but are not limited
   to, fees to create, maintain, or close an account with a Provider; fees in
   connection with account balances, including fees to add money to an account;
   and fees for obtaining refunds of outstanding funds in an account;

   Collect calling means a calling arrangement whereby the called party agrees
   to  pay  for  charges  associated with an Inmate Calling Services call
   originating from an Inmate Telephone;

   Consumer means the party paying a Provider of Inmate Calling Services;

   Debit calling means a calling arrangement that allows a Consumer to pay for
   Inmate Calling Services from an existing or established account;

   Inmate means a person detained at a correctional institution, regardless of
   the duration of the detention;

   Inmate  calling  services  means  the  offering  of interstate calling
   capabilities from an Inmate Telephone;

   Inmate telephone means a telephone instrument or other device capable of
   initiating  telephone calls set aside by authorities of a correctional
   institution for use by Inmates;

   Prepaid calling means a calling arrangement that allows Consumers to pay in
   advance for a specified amount of Inmate Calling Services;

   Prepaid collect calling means a calling arrangement that allows an Inmate to
   initiate an Inmate Calling Services call without having a pre-established
   billing arrangement and also provides a means, within that call, for the
   called  party to establish an arrangement to be billed directly by the
   Provider of Inmate Calling Services for future calls from the same Inmate;

   Provider of Inmate Calling Services, or Provider, means any communications
   service provider that provides Inmate Calling Services, regardless of the
   technology used.

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Goto Section: 64.5111 | 64.6010

Goto Year: 2014 | 2016
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