Goto Section: 7.9 | 7.15 | Table of Contents

FCC 7.11
Revised as of October 2, 2015
Goto Year:2014 | 2016
§ 7.11   Information, documentation, and training.

   (a) Manufacturers and service providers shall ensure access to information
   and documentation it provides to its customers, if readily achievable. Such
   information and documentation includes user guides, bills, installation
   guides for end-user installable devices, and product support communications,
   regarding both the product in general and the accessibility features of the
   product. Manufacturers shall take such other readily achievable steps as
   necessary including:

   (1) Providing a description of the accessibility and compatibility features
   of the product upon request, including, as needed, in alternate formats or
   alternate modes at no additional charge;

   (2)  Providing  end-user product documentation in alternate formats or
   alternate modes upon request at no additional charge; and

   (3) Ensuring usable customer support and technical support in the call
   centers and service centers which support their products at no additional

   (b) Manufacturers and service providers shall include in general product
   information the contact method for obtaining the information required by
   paragraph (a) of this section.

   (c)  In  developing,  or  incorporating  existing  training  programs,
   manufacturers and service providers shall consider the following topics:

   (1) Accessibility requirements of individuals with disabilities;

   (2) Means of communicating with individuals with disabilities;

   (3) Commonly used adaptive technology used with the manufacturer's products;

   (4) Designing for accessibility; and

   (5) Solutions for accessibility and compatibility.

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Subpart D—Enforcement

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Goto Section: 7.9 | 7.15

Goto Year: 2014 | 2016
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