Goto Section: 73.611 | 73.613 | Table of Contents

FCC 73.612
Revised as of October 2, 2015
Goto Year:2014 | 2016
§ 73.612   Protection from interference.

   (a) Permittees and licensees of TV broadcast stations are not protected from
   any interference which may be caused by the grant of a new station or of
   authority to modify the facilities of an existing station in accordance with
   the provisions of this subpart. The nature and extent of the protection from
   interference accorded to TV broadcast stations is limited solely to the
   protection which results from the minimum allotment and station separation
   requirements and the rules and regulations with respect to maximum powers
   and antenna heights set forth in this subpart.

   (b) When the Commission determines that grant of an application would serve
   the  public interest, convenience, and necessity and the instrument of
   authorization specifies an antenna location in a designated antenna farm
   area which results in distance separation less than those specified in this
   subpart, TV broadcast station permittees and licensees shall be afforded
   protection from interference equivalent to the protection afforded under the
   minimum distance separations specified in this subpart.

   Note: The nature and extent of the protection from interference accorded to
   TV broadcast stations which were authorized prior to April 14, 1952, and
   which were operating on said date is limited not only as specified above but
   is further limited by any smaller separations existing between such stations
   on said date. Where, as a result of the adoption of the Table of Allotments
   or of changes in transmitter sites made by such stations after said date,
   separations smaller than the required minimum are increased but still remain
   lower than the required minimum, protection accorded such stations will be
   limited to the new separations.

   [ 28 FR 13660 , Dec. 14, 1963, as amended at  32 FR 8814 , June 21, 1967;  50 FR 23698 , June 5, 1985;  51 FR 44070 , Dec. 8, 1986]

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Goto Section: 73.611 | 73.613

Goto Year: 2014 | 2016
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