Goto Section: 73.691 | 73.699 | Table of Contents

FCC 73.698
Revised as of October 2, 2015
Goto Year:2014 | 2016
§ 73.698   Tables.

Table I [Reserved]

   Table II
   (1)—Channel (2)—31.4 kilometers (19.5 miles) If beat (3)—31.4 kilometers
   (19.5 miles) intermodulation (4)—87.7 kilometers (54.5 miles) adjacent
   channel (5)—95.7 kilometers (59.5 miles) oscillator (6)—95.7 kilometers
   (59.5 miles) sound image (7)—119.9 kilometers (74.5 miles) picture image
   14 22      16-19 15 21      28      29
   15 23      17-20 14, 16 22      29      30
   16 24      14, 18-21 15, 17 23      30      31
   17 25      14-15, 19-22 16, 18 24      31      32
   18 26      14-16, 20-23 17, 19 25      32      33
   19 27      14-17, 21-24 18, 20 26      33      34
   20 28      15-18, 22-25 19, 21 27      34      35
   21 29      16-19, 23-26 20, 22 28, 14 35      36
   22 30, 14 17-20, 24-27 21, 23 29, 15 36      37
   23 31, 15 18-21, 25-28 22, 24 30, 16 37      38
   24 32, 16 19-22, 26-29 23, 25 31, 17 38      39
   25 33, 17 20-23, 27-30 24, 26 32, 18 39      40
   26 34, 18 21-24, 28-31 25, 27 33, 19 40      41
   27 35, 19 22-25, 29-32 26, 28 34, 20 41      42
   28 36, 20 23-26, 30-33 27, 29 35, 21 42, 14 43
   29 37, 21 24-27, 31-34 28, 30 36, 22 43, 15 44, 14
   30 38, 22 25-28, 32-35 29, 31 37, 23 44, 16 45, 15
   31 39, 23 26-29, 33-36 30, 32 38, 24 45, 17 46, 16
   32 40, 24 27-30, 34-37 31, 33 39, 25 46, 18 47, 17
   33 41, 25 28-31, 35-38 32, 34 40, 26 47, 19 48, 18
   34 42, 26 29-32, 36-39 33, 35 41, 27 48, 20 49, 19
   35 43, 27 30-33, 37-40 34, 36 42, 28 49, 21 50, 20
   36 44, 28 31-34, 38-41 35, 37 43, 29 50, 22 51, 21
   37 45, 29 32-35, 39-42 36, 38 44, 30 51, 23 52, 22
   38 46, 30 33-36, 40-43 37, 39 45, 31 52, 24 53, 23
   39 47, 31 34-37, 41-44 38, 40 46, 32 53, 25 54, 24
   40 48, 32 35-38, 42-45 39, 41 47, 33 54, 26 55, 25
   41 49, 33 36-39, 43-46 40, 42 48, 34 55, 27 56, 26
   42 50, 34 37-40, 44-47 41, 43 49, 35 56, 28 57, 27
   43 51, 35 38-41, 45-48 42, 44 50, 36 57, 29 58, 28
   44 52, 36 39-42, 46-49 43, 45 51, 37 58, 30 59, 29
   45 53, 37 40-43, 47-50 44, 46 52, 38 59, 31 60, 30
   46 54, 38 41-44, 48-51 45, 47 53, 39 60, 32 61, 31
   47 55, 39 42-45, 49-52 46, 48 54, 40 61, 33 62, 32
   48 56, 40 43-46, 50-53 47, 49 55, 41 62, 34 63, 33
   49 57, 41 44-47, 51-54 48, 50 56, 42 63, 35 64, 34
   50 58, 42 45-48, 52-55 49, 51 57, 43 64, 36 65, 35
   51 59, 43 46-49, 53-56 50, 52 58, 44 65, 37 66, 36
   52 60, 44 47-50, 54-57 51, 53 59, 45 66, 38 67, 37
   53 61, 45 48-51, 55-58 52, 54 60, 46 67, 39 68, 38
   54 62, 46 49-52, 56-59 53, 55 61, 47 68, 40 69, 39
   55 63, 47 50-53, 57-60 54, 56 62, 48 69, 41 70, 40
   56 64, 48 51-54, 58-61 55, 57 63, 49 70, 42 71, 41
   57 65, 49 52-55, 59-62 56, 58 64, 50 71, 43 72, 42
   58 66, 50 53-56, 60-63 57, 59 65, 51 72, 44 73, 43
   59 67, 51 54-57, 61-64 58, 60 66, 52 73, 45 74, 44
   60 68, 52 55-58, 62-65 59, 61 67, 53 74, 46 75, 45
   61 69, 53 56-59, 63-66 60, 62 68, 54 75, 47 76, 46
   62 70, 54 57-60, 64-67 61, 63 69, 55 76, 48 77, 47
   63 71, 55 58-61, 65-68 62, 64 70, 56 77, 49 78, 48
   64 72, 56 59-62, 66-69 63, 65 71, 57 78, 50 79, 49
   65 73, 57 60-63, 67-70 64, 66 72, 58 79, 51 80, 50
   66 74, 58 61-64, 68-71 65, 67 73, 59 80, 52 81, 51
   67 75, 59 62-65, 69-72 66, 68 74, 60 81, 53 82, 52
   68 76, 60 63-66, 70-73 67, 69 75, 61 82, 54 83, 53
   69 77, 61 64-67, 71-74 68, 70 76, 62 83, 55 54

   Note: The parenthetical reference beneath the mileage figures in columns 2
   through 7, inclusive, indicate, in abbreviated form, the bases for the
   required mileage separations. For a discussion of these bases, see the
   “Sixth Report and Order” of the Commission (FCC 52-294;  17 FR 3905 , May 2,
   1952). The hyphenated numbers listed in column (3) are both inclusive.

   [ 28 FR 13660 , Dec. 14, 1963, as amended at  39 FR 20377 , June 10, 1974;  47 FR 35990 , Aug. 18, 1982;  50 FR 23701 , June 5, 1985;  54 FR 9807 , Mar. 8, 1989]

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Goto Section: 73.691 | 73.699

Goto Year: 2014 | 2016
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