Goto Section: 80.501 | 80.505 | Table of Contents

FCC 80.503
Revised as of October 2, 2015
Goto Year:2014 | 2016
§ 80.503   Cooperative use of facilities.

   (a) A person engaged in the operation of one or more commercial transport
   vessels or government vessels may receive maritime mobile service from a
   private coast station or a marine utility station on shore even though not
   the licensee of the private coast station or the marine utility station.
   Restrictions on cooperative arrangements are as follows:

   (1) Foreign persons must be the licensees of the radio stations installed on
   board their vessels.

   (2) The licensee of a private coast station or marine utility station on
   shore may install ship radio stations on board United States commercial
   transport vessels of other persons. In each case these persons must enter
   into a written agreement verifying that the ship station licensee has the
   sole right of control of the ship stations, that the vessel operators must
   use the ship stations subject to the orders and instructions of the coast
   station  or marine utility station on shore, and that the ship station
   licensee will have sufficient control of the ship station to enable it to
   carry out its responsibilities under the ship station license.

   (b) Cooperative arrangements are limited concerning cost and charges as

   (1) The arrangement must be established on a non-profit, cost-sharing basis
   by written contract. A copy of the contract must be kept with the station
   records and made available for inspection by Commission representatives.

   (2) Contributions to capital and operating expenses are to be prorated on an
   equitable  basis  among all persons who are parties to the cooperative
   arrangement.  Records  which  reflect  the cost of the service and its
   nonprofit, cost-sharing nature must be maintained by the licensee of the
   station and made available for inspection by Commission representatives.

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Goto Section: 80.501 | 80.505

Goto Year: 2014 | 2016
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