Goto Section: 90.175 | 90.179 | Table of Contents

FCC 90.176
Revised as of October 2, 2015
Goto Year:2014 | 2016
§ 90.176   Coordinator notification requirements on frequencies below 512 MHz,
at 769-775/799-805 MHz, or at 1427-1432 MHz.

   (a) Frequencies below 470 MHz. Within one business day of making a frequency
   recommendation, each frequency coordinator must notify and provide the
   information  indicated  in  paragraph (g) of this section to all other
   frequency coordinators who are also certified to coordinate that frequency.

   (1) The applicable frequency coordinator for each frequency is specified in
   the  coordinator  column  of the frequency tables of § § 90.20(c)(3) and

   (2) For frequencies that do not specify any frequency coordinator, all
   certified in-pool coordinators must be notified.

   (3) For frequencies that are shared between the Public Safety Pool and the
   Industrial/Business Pool (frequencies subject to § § 90.20(d)(7), (d)(25),
   (d)(34),  or  (d)(46)  in  the  Public  Safety  Pool,  and  subject to
   § § 90.35(c)(13), (c)(25), or (d)(4) in the Industrial/Business Pool), all
   certified coordinators of both pools must be notified.

   (b) Frequencies in the 470-512 MHz band. Within one business day of making a
   frequency recommendation, each frequency coordinator must notify and provide
   the information indicated in paragraph (g) of this section to all other
   certified  frequency  coordinators  in  the Public Safety Pool and the
   Industrial/Business Pool.

   (c) Frequencies in the 769-775/799-805 MHz band. Within one business day of
   making a frequency recommendation, each frequency coordinator must notify
   and provide the information indicated in paragraph (g) of this section to
   all other certified frequency coordinators in the Public Safety Pool.

   (d) Frequencies in the 1427-1432 MHz band. Within one business day of making
   a frequency recommendation, each frequency coordinator must notify and
   provide the information indicated in paragraph (g) of this section to the
   WMTS frequency coordinator designated in § 95.113 and to all other frequency
   coordinators who are also certified to coordinate that frequency.

   (e) Each frequency coordinator must also notify all other certified in-pool
   coordinators on any day that the frequency coordinator does not make any
   frequency recommendations.

   (f) Notification must be made to all coordinators at approximately the same
   time and can be made using any method that ensures compliance with the one
   business day requirement.

   (g)  At  a  minimum the following information must be included in each

   (1) Name of applicant;

   (2) Frequency or frequencies recommended;

   (3) Antenna locations and heights;

   (4) Effective radiated power (ERP);

   (5) Type(s) of emissions;

   (6) Description of the service area; and

   (7) Date and time of recommendation.

   (h) Upon request, each coordinator must provide any additional information
   requested  from  another  certified  coordinator  regarding  a pending
   recommendation that it has processed but has not yet been granted by the

   (i)  It  is  the responsibility of each coordinator to insure that its
   frequency recommendations do not conflict with the frequency recommendations
   of any other frequency coordinator. Should a conflict arise, the affected
   coordinators  are jointly responsible for taking action to resolve the
   conflict, up to and including notifying the Commission that an application
   may have to be returned.

   [ 57 FR 41859 , June 20, 2002, as amended at  72 FR 48859 , Aug. 24, 2007]

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Goto Section: 90.175 | 90.179

Goto Year: 2014 | 2016
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