Goto Section: 97.507 | 97.511 | Table of Contents

FCC 97.509
Revised as of October 2, 2015
Goto Year:2014 | 2016
§ 97.509   Administering VE requirements.

   (a) Each examination for an amateur operator license must be administered by
   a team of at least 3 VEs at an examination session coordinated by a VEC. The
   number of examinees at the session may be limited.

   (b) Each administering VE must:

   (1) Be accredited by the coordinating VEC;

   (2) Be at least 18 years of age;

   (3) Be a person who holds an amateur operator license of the class specified

   (i)  Amateur Extra, Advanced or General Class in order to administer a
   Technician Class operator license examination;

   (ii) Amateur Extra or Advanced Class in order to administer a General Class
   operator license examination;

   (iii) Amateur Extra Class in order to administer an Amateur Extra Class
   operator license examination.

   (4) Not be a person whose grant of an amateur station license or amateur
   operator license has ever been revoked or suspended.

   (c) Each administering VE must observe the examinee throughout the entire
   examination. The administering VEs are responsible for the proper conduct
   and necessary supervision of each examination. The administering VEs must
   immediately terminate the examination upon failure of the examinee to comply
   with their instructions.

   (d) No VE may administer an examination to his or her spouse, children,
   grandchildren, stepchildren, parents, grandparents, stepparents, brothers,
   sisters, stepbrothers, stepsisters, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, and

   (e) No VE may administer or certify any examination by fraudulent means or
   for monetary or other consideration including reimbursement in any amount in
   excess of that permitted. Violation of this provision may result in the
   revocation  of  the  grant of the VE's amateur station license and the
   suspension of the grant of the VE's amateur operator license.

   (f) No examination that has been compromised shall be administered to any
   examinee. The same question set may not be re-administered to the same

   (g) [Reserved]

   (h) Upon completion of each examination element, the administering VEs must
   immediately grade the examinee's answers. For examinations administered
   remotely, the administering VEs must grade the examinee's answers at the
   earliest practical opportunity. The administering VEs are responsible for
   determining the correctness of the examinee's answers.

   (i) When the examinee is credited for all examination elements required for
   the  operator  license sought, 3 VEs must certify that the examinee is
   qualified for the license grant and that the VEs have complied with these
   administering  VE  requirements.  The  certifying  VEs are jointly and
   individually accountable for the proper administration of each examination
   element reported. The certifying VEs may delegate to other qualified VEs
   their authority, but not their accountability, to administer individual
   elements of an examination.

   (j) When the examinee does not score a passing grade on an examination
   element, the administering VEs must return the application document to the
   examinee and inform the examinee of the grade.

   (k)  The administering VEs must accommodate an examinee whose physical
   disabilities require a special examination procedure. The administering VEs
   may  require  a physician's certification indicating the nature of the
   disability before determining which, if any, special procedures must be

   (l) The administering VEs must issue a CSCE to an examinee who scores a
   passing grade on an examination element.

   (m) After the administration of a successful examination for an amateur
   operator license, the administering VEs must submit the application document
   to the coordinating VEC according to the coordinating VEC's instructions.

   [ 59 FR 54834 , Nov. 2, 1994, as amended at  61 FR 9953 , Mar. 12, 1996;  62 FR 17567 , Apr. 10, 1997;  63 FR 68980 , Dec. 14, 1998;  65 FR 6551 , Feb. 10, 2000;
    71 FR 66465 , Nov. 15, 2006;  79 FR 35291 . June 20, 2014]

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Goto Section: 97.507 | 97.511

Goto Year: 2014 | 2016
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