Goto Section: 0.141 | 0.181 | Table of Contents

FCC 0.151
Revised as of September 1, 2021
Goto Year:2020 | 2022
  ยง  0.151   Functions of the Office.

   The Office of Administrative Law Judges consists of as many
   Administrative Law Judges qualified and appointed pursuant to the
   requirements of 5 U.S.C. 3105 as the Commission may find necessary. It
   is responsible for hearing and conducting adjudicatory cases designated
   for hearing other than those designated to be heard by the Commission
   en banc, or by one or more commissioners. The Office of Administrative
   Law Judges is also responsible for conducting such other hearing
   proceedings as the Commission may assign.

   [ 85 FR 63171 , Oct. 6, 2020]


Homeland Security, Defense and Emergency Preparedness Functions


Goto Section: 0.141 | 0.181

Goto Year: 2020 | 2022
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