Goto Section: 0.387 | 0.392 | Table of Contents

FCC 0.391
Revised as of September 1, 2021
Goto Year:2020 | 2022
  ยง  0.391   Authority delegated.

   The Director, Office of Workplace Diversity, or his/her designee, is
   hereby delegated authority to:

   (a) Manage the Commission's internal EEO compliance program pursuant to
   Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, the
   Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, the Age Discrimination in
   Employment Act of 1967, as amended, the Equal Pay Act, and other
   applicable laws, rules, regulations, and Executive Orders, with
   authority that includes appointing EEO counselors, investigators, and
   mediators; investigating complaints of employment discrimination, and
   recommending to the Chairman final agency decisions on EEO complaints;

   (b) Mediate EEO complaints;

   (c) Develop the Commission's affirmative action goals and objectives;

   (d) Collect and analyze data on the Commission's affirmative action and
   EEO activities and accomplishments;

   (e) Prepare and release reports on EEO, affirmative action, workplace
   diversity, and related subjects;

   (f) Review personnel activities, including hiring, promotions,
   discipline, training, awards, and performance recognition for
   conformance with EEO and workplace diversity goals, objectives and

   (g) Conduct studies and collect data on workplace diversity issues and

   (h) Assume representational role on behalf of the Commission at
   conferences, meetings, and negotiations on EEO and workplace diversity

   (i) Develop programs and strategies designed to foster and encourage
   fairness, equality, and inclusion of all employees in the workforce.

   [ 61 FR 2728 , Jan. 29, 1996]


Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau


Goto Section: 0.387 | 0.392

Goto Year: 2020 | 2022
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