Goto Section: 1.931 | 1.934 | Table of Contents
FCC 1.933
Revised as of September 1, 2021
Goto Year:2020 |
ยง 1.933 Public notices.
(a) Generally. Periodically, the Commission issues Public Notices in
the Wireless Radio Services listing information of public significance.
Categories of Public Notice listings are as follows:
(1) Accepted for filing. Acceptance for filing of applications and
major amendments thereto.
(2) Actions. Commission actions on pending applications previously
listed as accepted for filing.
(3) Environmental considerations. Special environmental considerations
as required by Part 1 of this chapter.
(4) Informative listings. Information that the Commission, in its
discretion, believes to be of public significance. Such listings do not
create any rights to file petitions to deny or other pleadings.
(b) Accepted for filing public notices. The Commission will issue at
regular intervals public notices listing applications that have been
received by the Commission in a condition acceptable for filing, or
which have been returned to an applicant for correction. Any
application that has been listed in a public notice as acceptable for
filing and is (1) subject to a major amendment, or (2) has been
returned as defective or incomplete and resubmitted to the Commission,
shall be listed in a subsequent public notice. Acceptance for filing
shall not preclude the subsequent dismissal of an application as
(c) Public notice prior to grant. Applications for authorizations,
major modifications, major amendments to applications, and substantial
assignment or transfer applications for the following categories of
stations and services shall be placed on Public Notice as accepted for
filing prior to grant:
(1) Wireless Telecommunications Services.
(2) Industrial radiopositioning stations for which frequencies are
assigned on an exclusive basis.
(3) Aeronautical enroute stations.
(4) Aeronautical advisory stations.
(5) Airport control tower stations.
(6) Aeronautical fixed stations.
(7) Alaska public fixed stations.
(8) Broadband Radio Service; and
(9) Educational Broadband Service.
(d) No public notice prior to grant. The following types of
applications, notices, and other filings need not be placed on Public
Notice as accepted for filing prior to grant:
(1) Applications or notifications concerning minor modifications to
authorizations or minor amendments to applications.
(2) Applications or notifications concerning non-substantial (pro
forma) assignments and transfers.
(3) Consent to an involuntary assignment or transfer under section
310(b) of the Communications Act.
(4) Applications for licenses under section 319(c) of the
Communications Act.
(5) Requests for extensions of time to complete construction of
authorized facilities.
(6) Requests for special temporary authorization not to exceed 30 days
where the applicant does not contemplate the filing of an application
for regular operation, or not to exceed 60 days pending or after the
filing of an application for regular operation.
(7) Requests for emergency authorizations under section 308(a) of the
Communications Act.
(8) Any application for temporary authorization under section 101.31(a)
of this chapter.
(9) Any application for authorization in the Private Wireless Services.
[ 63 FR 68929 , Dec. 14, 1998, as amended at 69 FR 72026 , Dec. 10, 2004]
Goto Section: 1.931 | 1.934
Goto Year: 2020 |
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