Goto Section: 54.630 | 54.632 | Table of Contents

FCC 54.631
Revised as of September 1, 2021
Goto Year:2020 | 2022
  ยง  54.631   Audits and recordkeeping.

   (a) Random audits. All participants under the Telecommunications
   Program and Healthcare Connect Fund Program shall be subject to random
   compliance audits to ensure compliance with program rules and orders.

   (b) Recordkeeping. Participants, including Consortium Leaders and
   health care providers, shall maintain records to document compliance
   with program rules and orders for at least five years after the last
   day of service delivered in a particular funding year sufficient to
   establish compliance with all rules in this subpart.

   (1) Telecommunications Program. (i) Participants must maintain, among
   other things, records of allocations for consortia and entities that
   engage in eligible and ineligible activities, if applicable.

   (ii) Mobile rural health care providers shall maintain annual logs for
   a period of five years. Mobile rural health care providers shall
   maintain annual logs indicating: The date and locations of each
   clinical stop; and the number of patients served at each clinical stop.
   Mobile rural health care providers shall make their logs available to
   the Administrator and the Commission upon request.

   (iii) Service providers shall retain documents related to the delivery
   of discounted services for at least five years after the last day of
   the delivery of discounted services. Any other document that
   demonstrates compliance with the statutory or regulatory requirements
   for the rural health care mechanism shall be retained as well.

   (2) Healthcare Connect Fund Program. (i) Participants who receive
   support for long-term capital investments in facilities whose useful
   life extends beyond the period of the funding commitment shall maintain
   records for at least five years after the end of the useful life of the
   facility. Participants shall maintain asset and inventory records of
   supported network equipment to verify the actual location of such
   equipment for a period of five years after purchase.

   (ii) Service providers shall retain records related to the delivery of
   supported services, facilities, or equipment to document compliance
   with the Commission rules or orders pertaining to the Healthcare
   Connect Fund Program for at least five years after the last day of the
   delivery of supported services, equipment, or facilities in a
   particular funding year.

   (c) Production of records. Both participants and service providers
   under the Telecommunications Program and Healthcare Connect Fund
   Program shall produce such records at the request of the Commission,
   any auditor appointed by the Administrator or Commission, or any other
   state or federal agency with jurisdiction.

   (d) Obligation of service providers. Service providers in the
   Telecommunications Program and Healthcare Connect Fund Program must
   certify, as a condition of receiving support, that they will provide to
   health care providers, on a timely basis, all information and documents
   regarding supported equipment, facilities, or services that are
   necessary for the health care provider to submit required forms or
   respond to Commission or Administrator inquiries. The Administrator may
   withhold disbursements for the service provider if the service
   provider, after written notice from the Administrator, fails to comply
   with this requirement.


Goto Section: 54.630 | 54.632

Goto Year: 2020 | 2022
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