Goto Section: 87.393 | 87.397 | Table of Contents
FCC 87.395
Revised as of September 1, 2021
Goto Year:2020 |
ยง 87.395 Plan for the Security Control of Air Traffic and Air Navigation
Aids (Short Title: SCATANA).
(a) The Plan for the Security Control of Air Traffic and Air Navigation
Aids (SCATANA) is promulgated in furtherance of the Federal Aviation
Act of 1958, as amended, the Communications Act and Executive Order
11490, as amended. SCATANA defines the responsibilities of the
Commission for the security control of non-Federal air navigation aids.
(b) Under the responsibilities defined in SCATANA, an FCC Support Plan
for the Security Control of Non-Federal Air Navigation Aids has been
developed by the Commission. The FCC Support Plan defines
responsibilities, procedures, and instructions in consonance with
SCATANA which will effect control of non-Federal air navigation aids
when SCATANA is implemented. It permits the use of such navigation aids
by aircraft of military and civil agencies when SCATANA is implemented.
The FCC Support Plan highlights those parts of SCATANA which deal
specifically with non-Federal air navigation aids. SCATANA and the FCC
Support Plan apply to radionavigation stations authorized by the
Commission in the following manner:
(1) All licensees are subject to restrictions imposed by appropriate
military authorities pursuant to SCATANA and the FCC Support Plan when
an Air Defense Emergency or Defense Emergency exists or is imminent.
The restrictions will be imposed through FAA Air Route Traffic Control
Centers (ARTCCs).
(2) All licensees of aeronautical radionavigation (VOR/DME, ILS, MLS,
LF and MF non-directional beacons) stations will comply with SCATANA
implementation instructions from FAA ARTCCs as follows:
(i) Shut down the above navigation aids as directed. These instructions
will permit time to land or disperse airborne aircraft, and will permit
extension of time when the air traffic situation dictates.
(ii) Shut down as soon as possible stations which require more than
five minutes control time, unless directed otherwise or unless such
stations are essential for the handling of existing air traffic.
(iii) Operate aeronautical radionavigation stations to ensure that
required stations, as indicated in flight plans, will be available for
authorized aircraft flights.
(3) Licensees of aeronautical radionavigation stations will be notified
of the reduction or removal of SCATANA restrictions by FAA ARTCCs when
notice of the termination is issued.
(4) Licensees of aeronautical radionavigation stations may voluntarily
participate in SCATANA tests as requested by an ARTCC. SCATANA testing
must not interrupt the normal service of non-Federal air navigation
Goto Section: 87.393 | 87.397
Goto Year: 2020 |
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