Goto Section: 95.1701 | 95.1705 | Table of Contents
FCC 95.1703
Revised as of September 1, 2021
Goto Year:2020 |
ยง 95.1703 Definitions, GMRS.
General Mobile Radio Service (GMRS). A mobile two-way voice
communication service, with limited data applications, for facilitating
activities of individual licensees and their family members, including,
but not limited to, voluntary provision of assistance to the public
during emergencies and natural disasters.
Grandfathered GMRS license. A GMRS license held by a non-individual
person (i.e., a partnership, corporation, association or governmental
unit) as a result of renewals of a GMRS license issued prior to July
31, 1987.
Goto Section: 95.1701 | 95.1705
Goto Year: 2020 |
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