690 NE 23rd Avenue
Gainesville, Florida 32609
Phone: 352-375-7113
Fax: 352-375-1700
April 24, 198
Room 222
1919 M St. NW.
Washington, D.C. 20554
Dear FCC,
It has come to my attention that the commission is considering allowing thousands of new, low-power stations to broadcast. This would be an absolute disaster to the broadcast industry!
The Federal Radio Commission in the 20's was established to eliminate this very problem. It is hard to believe we could be facing this mass conflision again.
I am the General Manager of WOOK-FM, WNDD-FM and WNDT-FM. In 1997, WNDD had to deal with "a pirate" on their 95.5 frequency. The "pirate" caused tremendous interference over a 4 to 5 city block area. I have been told that for under $1200.00, a "pirate" can put a station on the air. Can you imagine what the radio airwaves will be like?
This is NOT about First Amendment rights. Any American can legally apply for and get a broadcast facility. It is about the ability to serve our communities and broadcast.a clear message. Broadcasters are licensed by the FCC and we would expect protection from you for the frequencies granted to us.
We broadcasters continue to serve our communities with Public Affairs shows, PSA's promotion of local, charitable events and newscasts. Allowing low power "pirates" would limit our ability to serve our communities and meet the requirements of our licenses.
Please do NOT allow low power stations to get "on the air". It will in no way serve the general public. There are many current broadcast areas for special interest groups to receive air time. Radio broadcasting should not be allowed to shrink to part time people (pirates) who can turn theirs on any time they feel like playing.
Jim Robertson
Vice President/General Manager