Gerald P. Lorentz
P.O. Box 11095
Washington, D.C. 20008

April 24, 1998

Office of the Secretary
Federal Communications Commission
1919 M St, NW., Rm. 222
Washington, D.C. 20554

RE: RM No.9208

Dear Sir or Madam:

I strongly support RM No.9208 and the Petition for Rulemaking submitted by Nickolaus and Judith Leggett.

Increasingly our First Amendment rights are subject to the vagaries of large media enterprises. Dissenting voices are largely ignored while the harmonic melodies of the few are regularly repeated throughout the nation. Microradio broadcasting is a modest attempt to broaden our access to the public airwaves so that nearly everyone, not just financiers, can claim a piece of the radio spectrum.

The proposals for low power and low antenna height are the core of its community-bsed nature. Ths indeed will allow the average person to own a radio station, serve the community, and disseminate information with democratic gusto.

Thank you for considering my statement.


Gerald P. Lorentz