112 ELDEN ST..
HERNDON, VA 20170-4809
(703) "TEMPEST" (836-7378)
FAX: 709-9565

April 21, 1998

Office of the Secretary
Federal Communications Commission
1919 M St. NW
Washington DC 20554


Dear Sir:

Please vote in favor of Neighborhood Radio, as proposed by Reference (a). I believe that this proposal would be very useful for the United States, because it would bring new talent and businesses into the broadcast industry, create new jobs, and lead to innovations in programming and technology.

Just as computer games do now, Neighborhood Radio would aftract young people, many of whom would go on to become skilled engineers and technicians.

This would be a very good thing for our economy and for our national security.

Yours truly,

Louis T.Gnccco, M.S.E.E., President