WLTC AM 1370
Your Gospel Connection
P.O. Box 11584, Rock Hill, SC 29731-1584
Office 803-327-2717  Fax 803-329-8652

April 2, 1998

Secretary of the FCC
Federal Communications Commission
Washington, DC 20554

RE: RM --9208 and RM --9242

Dear Secretary:

I have recently read about the petition for rule making on RM--9208 and RM --9242 and became very excited. I am a small minority business radio station owner, along with my Spouse, in the Carolina's. I have been in business for myself since 1979, in broadcasting Since January 1997.

I operate a 1000 watt AM station that covers about a 20 mile radius. I would like to see the 1000 watt AM moved off the band and receive an FM signal. I feel like my investment For the 1000 watt AM would be none competitive if someone else had a 15 mile FM signal in my area. I would like to be given the first opportunity for the FM signal in my area to protect my investments.

I recently purchased a 5000 watt AM daytime only on April 1, 1998. 1 would like to have an FM signal for night use to assist the daytime. Being an AM owner it is very hard to operate it as a profit making business. I think if FM signals are available then the AM owner need to be considered first if they do not get considered then they will be going out of business anyway if a 15 mile FM come into their area.

The fact is, the current small business broadcaster does serve the small communities now. By adding low power stations, it will only strengthen the ability of current AM to do the job properly if given the first opportunity.

if the FCC is interested in a new low power service which would open new opportunities for minorities, churches and community groups to broadcast to "their communities" then Please pass the low power FM petition. But please give the small AM owners the rirst opportunity.


Frank Neely,
Crusader Broadcasting Ministry Inc.
