
This proposal to permit one watt stations to be licensed in local markets is just another piece of the pie being cut even smaller.

Diversitv is one argument used to justify this proposal. Local Radio, like WNRI, offers diversity in language, race and culture all week long. No group is denied access to our facility. No one is asking for this service in our community because the need isn't there!

Competition has been devastating to local radio service especially AM Local Broadcasting. The introduction of local FM's in the early 80's and the rises of cable TV selling advertising in local markets has driven advertisers to spend their dollar among many newer broadcast competitors. Today only local advertisers make up our advertiser base. Introduce 1 watt stations and they will go aftcr an already "over-picked" pool of local advertisers.

Audience - The pool of listeners continues to shrink due to FM band expansion, cable TV, AM interference, and computer on-line competition. You need to protect our audience from further erosion. Local 1 watt radio service right in our main area of Listener Service will only contribute to rnaking general local radio service a thing of the past.

Roy Stewart of the FCC Speaking at the State Leadership Conference in Washington recently said the serviec was established for the little people to go on-the-air. Well, guess who I am. ..I'm a little person that bought a radio station by getting an SBA loan and refinanced my house. I represent already what you are trying to do. Look.into Broadcasting Magazine and see that small, local markets, AM radio service are selling for 4O thousand to 60 thousand and 100 thousand. Look at the prices today. They are still achievable for the small entrepreneur who wants to work hard and sacrifice life like I did. Please don't destroy me!

Please come and visit us in Woonsocket, R.l. and see for yourself what local radio is all about. This is a real invitation to see what we do out of the abstract.

Roger Bouchard

WNRI AM Radio - Woonsocket