Goto Section: 87.35 | 87.39 | Table of Contents

FCC 87.37
Revised as of December 4, 2012
Goto Year:2011 | 2013
§  87.37   Developmental license.

   This section contains rules about the licensing of developmental
   operations subject to this part.

   (a) Showing required. Each application for a developmental license must
   be accompanied by the following showing:

   (1) The applicant has an organized plan of development leading to a
   specific objective;

   (2) A point has been reached in the program where actual transmission
   by radio is essential;

   (3) The program has reasonable promise of substantial contribution to
   the use of radio;

   (4) The program will be conducted by qualified personnel;

   (5) The applicant is legally qualified and possesses technical
   facilities for conduct of the program as proposed;

   (6) The public interest, convenience and necessity will be served by
   the proposed operation.

   (b) Signature and statement of understanding. The showing must be
   signed by the applicant.

   (c) Assignable frequencies. Developmental stations may be authorized to
   use frequencies available for the service and class of station
   proposed. The number of frequencies assigned will depend upon the
   specific requirements of the developmental program and the number of
   frequencies available.

   (d) Developmental program. (1) The developmental program as described
   by the applicant must be substantially followed.

   (2) Where some phases of the developmental program are not covered by
   the general rules of the Commission and the rules in this part, the
   Commission may specify supplemental or additional requirements or
   conditions as considered necessary in the public interest, convenience
   or necessity.

   (3) The Commission may, from time to time, require a station engaged in
   developmental work to conduct special tests which are reasonable and
   desirable to the authorized developmental program.

   (e) Use of developmental stations. (1) Developmental stations must
   conform to all applicable technical and operating requirements
   contained in this part, unless a waiver is specifically provided in the
   station license.

   (2) Communication with any station of a country other than the United
   States is prohibited unless specifically provided in the station

   (3) The operation of a developmental station must not cause harmful
   interference to stations regularly authorized to use the frequency.

   (f) Report of operation required. A report on the results of the
   developmental program must be filed within 60 days of the expiration of
   the license. A report must accompany a request for renewal of the
   license. Matters which the applicant does not wish to disclose publicly
   may be so labeled; they will be used solely for the Commission's
   information. However, public disclosure is governed by §  0.467 of the
   Commission's rules. The report must include the following:

   (1) Results of operation to date.

   (2) Analysis of the results obtained.

   (3) Copies of any published reports.

   (4) Need for continuation of the program.

   (5) Number of hours of operation on each authorized frequency during
   the term of the license to the date of the report.

   [ 53 FR 28940 , Aug. 1, 1988, as amended at  54 FR 11719 , Mar. 22, 1989;
    63 FR 68957 , Dec. 14, 1998]

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Goto Section: 87.35 | 87.39

Goto Year: 2011 | 2013
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