Goto Section: 0.121 | 0.141 | Table of Contents

FCC 0.131
Revised as of October 1, 2013
Goto Year:2012 | 2014
§  0.131   Functions of the Bureau.

   The Wireless Telecommunications Bureau develops, recommends and
   administers the programs and policies for the regulation of the terms
   and conditions under which communications entities offer domestic
   wireless telecommunications services and of ancillary operations
   related to the provision of such services (satellite communications
   excluded). These functions include all wireless telecommunications
   service providers' and licensees' activities. The Bureau also performs
   the following specific functions:

   (a) Advises and makes recommendations to the Commission, or acts for
   the Commission under delegated authority, in all matters pertaining to
   the licensing and regulation of wireless telecommunications, including
   ancillary operations related to the provision or use of such services;
   and any matters concerning wireless carriers that also affect wireline
   carriers in cooperation with the Wireline Competition Bureau. These
   activities include: policy development and coordination; conducting
   rulemaking and adjudicatory proceedings, including licensing and
   complaint proceedings for matters not within the responsibility of the
   Enforcement Bureau; acting on waivers of rules; acting on applications
   for service and facility authorizations; compliance and enforcement
   activities for matters not within the responsibility of the Enforcement
   Bureau; determining resource impacts of existing, planned or
   recommended Commission activities concerning wireless
   telecommunications, and developing and recommending resource deployment

   (b) Develops and recommends policy goals, objectives, programs and
   plans for the Commission on matters concerning wireless
   telecommunications, drawing upon relevant economic, technological,
   legislative, regulatory and judicial information and developments. Such
   matters include meeting the present and future wireless
   telecommunications needs of the Nation; fostering economic growth by
   promoting efficiency and innovation in the allocation, licensing and
   use of the electromagnetic spectrum; ensuring choice, opportunity and
   fairness in the development of wireless telecommunications services and
   markets; promoting economically efficient investment in wireless
   telecommunications infrastructure and the integration of wireless
   communications networks into the public telecommunications network;
   enabling access to national communications services; promoting the
   development and widespread availability of wireless telecommunications
   services. Reviews and coordinates orders, programs and actions
   initiated by other Bureaus and Offices in matters affecting wireless
   telecommunications to ensure consistency of overall Commission policy.

   (c) Serves as the Commission's principal policy and administrative
   staff resource with regard to spectrum auctions. Administers all
   Commission spectrum auctions. Develops, recommends and administers
   policies, programs and rules concerning auctions of spectrum for
   wireless telecommunications. Advises the Commission on policy,
   engineering and technical matters relating to auctions of spectrum used
   for other purposes. Administers procurement of auction-related services
   from outside contractors. Provides policy, administrative and technical
   assistance to other Bureaus and Offices on auction issues.

   (d) Regulates the charges, practices, classifications, terms and
   conditions for, and facilities used to provide, wireless
   telecommunications services. Develops and recommends consistent,
   integrated policies, programs and rules for the regulation of
   commercial mobile radio services and private mobile radio services.

   (e) Develops and recommends policy, rules, standards, procedures and
   forms for the authorization and regulation of wireless
   telecommunications facilities and services, including all facility
   authorization applications involving domestic terrestrial transmission
   facilities. Coordinates with and assists the International Bureau
   regarding frequency assignment, coordination and interference matters.

   (f) Develops and recommends responses to legislative, regulatory or
   judicial inquiries and proposals concerning or affecting wireless

   (g) Develops and recommends policies regarding matters affecting the
   collaboration and coordination of relations among Federal agencies, and
   between the Federal government and the states, concerning wireless
   telecommunications issues. Maintains liaison with Federal and state
   government bodies concerning such issues.

   (h) Develops and recommends policies, programs and rules to ensure
   interference-free operation of wireless telecommunications equipment
   and networks. Coordinates with and assists other Bureaus and Offices,
   as appropriate, concerning spectrum management, planning, and
   interference matters and issues, and in compliance and enforcement
   activities. Studies technical requirements for equipment for wireless
   telecommunications services in accordance with standards established by
   the Chief, Office of Engineering and Technology.

   (i) Advises and assists consumers, businesses and other government
   agencies on wireless telecommunications issues and matters related
   thereto. Also assists the Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau with
   informal consumer complaints and other general inquiries by consumers.

   (j) Administers the Commission's commercial radio operator program
   (part 13 of this chapter); the Commission's program for registration,
   construction, marking and lighting of antenna structures (part 17 of
   this chapter), and the Commission's privatized ship radio inspection
   program (part 80 of this chapter).

   (k) Coordinates with and assists the International Bureau with respect
   to treaty activities and international conferences concerning wireless

   (l) Exercises such authority as may be assigned, delegated or referred
   to it by the Commission.

   (m) Certifies frequency coordinators; considers petitions seeking
   review of coordinator actions; and engages in oversight of coordinator
   actions and practices.

   (n) Administers the Commission's amateur radio programs (part 97 of
   this chapter) and the issuing of maritime mobile service identities

   (o) Exercises authority to issue non-hearing related subpoenas for the
   attendance and testimony of witnesses and the production of books,
   papers, correspondence, memoranda, schedules of charges, contracts,
   agreements, and any other records deemed relevant to the investigation
   of wireless telecommunications operators for any alleged violation or
   violations of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, or the
   Commission's rules and orders. Before issuing a subpoena, the Wireless
   Telecommunications Bureau shall obtain the approval of the Office of
   General Counsel.

   (p) Certifies, in the name of the Commission, volunteer entities to
   coordinate maintain and disseminate a common data base of amateur
   station special event call signs, and issues Public Notices detailing
   the procedures of amateur service call sign systems.

   (q) Coordinates with the Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau on
   all matters affecting public safety, homeland security, national
   security, emergency management, disaster management, and related

   (r) In coordination with the Wireline Competition Bureau, serves as the
   Commission's principal policy and administrative staff resource with
   respect to the use of market-based mechanisms, including competitive
   bidding, to distribute universal service support. Develops, recommends
   and administers policies, programs, rules and procedures concerning the
   use of market-based mechanisms, including competitive bidding, to
   distribute universal service support.

   (1) Extends the Communications Act Safety Radiotelephony Certificate
   for a period of up to 90 days beyond the specified expiration date.

   (2) Grants emergency exemption requests, extensions or waivers of
   inspection to ships in accordance with applicable provisions of the
   Communications Act, the Safety Convention, the Great Lakes Agreement or
   the Commission's rules.

   (s)(1) Extends the Communications Act Safety Radiotelephony Certificate
   for a period of up to 90 days beyond the specified expiration date.

   (2) Grants emergency exemption requests, extensions or waivers of
   inspection to ships in accordance with applicable provisions of the
   Communications Act, the Safety Convention, the Great Lakes Agreement or
   the Commission's rules.

   [ 60 FR 35505 , July 10, 1995, as amended at  61 FR 4361 , Feb. 6, 1996;  62 FR 17567 , Apr. 10, 1997;  64 FR 60718 , Nov. 8, 1999;  65 FR 375 , Jan. 5,
   2000;  67 FR 13219 , Mar. 21, 2002;  69 FR 24997 , May 5, 2004;  71 FR 69035 , Nov. 29, 2006;  76 FR 73851 , Nov. 29, 2011;  78 FR 23151 , Apr. 18,
   2013;  78 FR 32165 , May 29, 2013]

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Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau

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Goto Section: 0.121 | 0.141

Goto Year: 2012 | 2014
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