Goto Section: 0.186 | 0.192 | Table of Contents

FCC 0.191
Revised as of October 1, 2013
Goto Year:2012 | 2014
§  0.191   Functions of the Bureau.

   The Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau advises and makes
   recommendations to the Commission, or acts for the Commission under
   delegated authority, in all matters pertaining to public safety,
   homeland security, national security, emergency management and
   preparedness, disaster management, and ancillary operations. The Bureau
   has responsibility for coordinating public safety, homeland security,
   national security, emergency management and preparedness, disaster
   management, and related activities within the Commission. The Bureau
   also performs the following functions.

   (a) Develops, recommends, and administers policy goals, objectives,
   rules, regulations, programs and plans for the Commission to promote
   effective and reliable communications for public safety, homeland
   security, national security, emergency management and preparedness,
   disaster management and related activities, including public safety
   communications (including 911, enhanced 911, and other emergency number
   issues), priority emergency communications, alert and warning systems
   (including the Emergency Alert System), continuity of government
   operations, implementation of Homeland Security Presidential Directives
   and Orders, disaster management coordination and outreach,
   communications infrastructure protection, reliability, operability and
   interoperability of networks and communications systems, the
   Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act (CALEA), and network
   security. Recommends policies and procedures for public safety,
   homeland security, national security, emergency management and
   preparedness, and recommends national emergency plans and preparedness
   programs covering Commission functions during national emergency
   conditions. Conducts outreach and coordination activities with, among
   others, state and local governmental agencies, hospitals and other
   emergency health care providers, and public safety organizations.
   Recommends national emergency plans, policies, and preparedness
   programs covering the provision of service by communications service
   providers, including telecommunications service providers, information
   service providers, common carriers, and non-common carriers;
   broadcasting and cable facilities; satellite and wireless radio
   services; radio frequency assignment; electro-magnetic radiation;
   investigation and enforcement.

   (b) Under the general direction of the Defense Commissioner,
   coordinates the public safety, homeland security, national security,
   emergency management and preparedness, disaster management, and related
   activities of the Commission, including national security and emergency
   preparedness and defense mobilization, Continuity of Government (COG)
   planning, alert and warning systems (including the Emergency Alert
   System), and other functions as may be delegated during a national
   emergency or activation of the President's war emergency powers as
   specified in section 706 of the Communications Act. Provides support to
   the Defense Commissioner, including with respect to his or her
   participation in the Joint Telecommunications Resources Board, and the
   National Security Telecommunications Advisory Committee and other
   public safety and homeland security organizations and committees.
   Represents the Defense Commissioner with other Government agencies and
   organizations, the communications industry, and Commission licensees on
   public safety, homeland security, national security, emergency
   management and preparedness, disaster management, and related issues.
   Keeps the Defense Commissioner informed as to significant developments
   in the fields of public safety, homeland security, national security,
   emergency management, and disaster management activities, and related

   (c) Develops and administers rules, regulations, and policies for
   priority emergency communications, including the Telecommunications
   Service Priority System. Supports the Chiefs of the Wireline
   Competition, International and Wireless Telecommunications Bureaus on
   matters involving assignment of Telecommunications Service Priority
   System priorities and in administration of that system.

   (d) The Chief, Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau, or that
   person's designee, acts as FCC Alternate Homeland Security and Defense
   Coordinator and principal to the National Communications System, and
   the Chief, Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau, or that person's
   designee, shall serve as the Commission's representative on National
   Communications Systems Committees.

   (e) Conducts rulemaking proceedings and acts on requests for
   interpretation or waiver of rules.

   (f) Advises and makes recommendations to the Commission, or acts for
   the Commission under delegated authority, in all matters pertaining to
   the licensing and regulation of public safety, homeland security,
   national security, emergency management and preparedness, and disaster
   management wireless telecommunications, including ancillary operations
   related to the provision or use of such services. These activities
   include: policy development and coordination; conducting rulemaking and
   adjudicatory proceedings, including complaint proceedings for matters
   not within the responsibility of the Enforcement Bureau; acting on
   waivers of rules; acting on applications for service and facility
   authorizations; compliance and enforcement activities for matters not
   within the responsibility of the Enforcement Bureau; determining
   resource impacts of existing, planned or recommended Commission
   activities concerning wireless telecommunications, and developing and
   recommending resource deployment priorities. In addition, advises and
   assists public safety entities on wireless telecommunications issues
   and matters related thereto. Administers all authority previously
   delegated to the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau (including those
   delegations expressly provided to the Public Safety and Critical
   Infrastructure Division of the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau) in
   Improving Public Safety Communications in the 800 MHz Band, WT Docket

   (g) Conducts studies of public safety, homeland security, national
   security, emergency management and preparedness, disaster management,
   and related issues. Develops and administers recordkeeping and
   reporting requirements for communications companies pertaining to these
   issues. Administers any Commission information collection requirements
   pertaining to public safety, homeland security, national security,
   emergency management and preparedness, disaster management, and related
   issues, including the communications disruption reporting requirements
   set forth in part 4 of this chapter and revision of the filing system
   and template used for the submission of those communications disruption

   (h) Interacts with the public, local, state, and other governmental
   agencies and industry groups (including advisory committees and public
   safety organizations and associations) on public safety, homeland
   security, national security, emergency management, disaster management
   and related issues. As requested, represents the Commission at meetings
   and conferences. Serves as the point of contact for the U.S. Government
   in matters of international monitoring, fixed and mobile
   direction-finding and interference resolution; and oversees
   coordination of non-routine communications and materials between the
   Commission and international or regional public organizations or
   foreign administrations.

   (i) Maintains and operates the Commission's public safety, homeland
   security, national security, emergency management and preparedness, and
   disaster management facilities and operations, including the
   Communications Center, the establishment of any Emergency Operations
   Center (EOC), and any liaison activities with other federal, state, or
   local government organizations.

   (j) Reviews and coordinates orders, programs and actions initiated by
   other Bureaus and Offices in matters affecting public safety, homeland
   security, national security, emergency management and preparedness,
   disaster management and related issues to ensure consistency with
   overall Commission policy. Provides advice to the Commission and other
   Bureaus and offices regarding the public safety, homeland security,
   national security, emergency management, and disaster management
   implications of existing and proposed rules.

   (k) Develops and recommends responses to legislative, regulatory or
   judicial inquiries and proposals concerning or affecting public safety,
   homeland security, national security, emergency management, disaster
   management and related issues. Responses to judicial inquiries should
   be developed with and recommended to the Office of General Counsel.

   (l) Develops and maintains the Commission's plans and procedures,
   including the oversight, preparation, and training of Commission
   personnel, for Continuity of Operations (COOP), Continuity of
   Government functions, and Commission activities and responses to
   national emergencies and other similar situations.

   (m) Acts on emergency requests for Special Temporary Authority during
   non-business hours when the other Offices and Bureaus of the Commission
   are closed. Such actions shall be coordinated with, if possible, and
   promptly reported to the responsible Bureau or Office.

   (n) Maintains liaison with other Bureaus and Offices concerning matters
   affecting public safety, homeland security, national security,
   emergency management and preparedness, disaster management and related

   (o) [Reserved]

   (p) Performs such other functions and duties as may be assigned or
   referred to it by the Commission or the Defense Commissioner.

   (q) Oversees the Emergency Response Interoperability Center,
   establishes the intergovernmental advisory committees described under
   §  0.192(b), and administers the agency's responsibilities in
   connection with such committees.

   [ 71 FR 69035 , Nov. 29, 2006, as amended at  73 FR 9463 , Feb. 21, 2008;
    75 FR 28207 , May 20, 2010;  75 FR 78169 , Dec. 15, 2010]

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Goto Section: 0.186 | 0.192

Goto Year: 2012 | 2014
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