Goto Section: 0.283 | 0.285 | Table of Contents

FCC 0.284
Revised as of October 1, 2013
Goto Year:2012 | 2014
§  0.284   Actions taken under delegated authority.

   (a) In discharging the authority conferred by §  0.283 of this part,
   the Chief, Media Bureau, shall establish working relationships with
   other bureaus and staff offices to assure the effective coordination of
   actions taken in the following areas of joint responsibility;

   (1) Complaints arising under section 315 of the Communications
   Act--Office of General Counsel.

   (2) Requests for waiver of tower painting and lighting
   specifications-Wireless Telecommunications Bureau.

   (3) Requests for use of frequencies or bands of frequencies shared with
   private sector nonbroadcast or government services--Office of
   Engineering and Technology and appropriate operating bureau.

   (4) Requests involving coordination with other agencies of
   government--Office of General Counsel, Office of Engineering and
   Technology and appropriate operating bureau.

   (5) Proposals involving possible harmful impact on radio astronomy or
   radio research installations--Office of Engineering and Technology.

   (b) With respect to non-routine applications granted under authority
   delegated in §  0.283 of this part, the Chief, Media Bureau or his
   designees, shall enter on the working papers associated with each
   application a narrative justification of the action taken. While not
   available for public inspection, these working papers shall, upon
   request, be made available to the Commissioners and members of their

   [ 47 FR 47829 , Oct. 28, 1982;  47 FR 56852 , Dec. 21, 1982, as amended at
    51 FR 12615 , Apr. 14, 1986;  52 FR 5288 , Feb. 20, 1987;  59 FR 32132 ,
   June 22, 1994;  59 FR 67092 , Dec. 28, 1994;  61 FR 8477 , Mar. 5, 1996;  64 FR 60721 , Nov. 8, 1999;  67 FR 13220 , Mar. 21, 2002;  71 FR 69036 , Nov.
   29, 2006]

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Goto Section: 0.283 | 0.285

Goto Year: 2012 | 2014
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