Goto Section: 0.409 | 0.413 | Table of Contents

FCC 0.411
Revised as of October 1, 2013
Goto Year:2012 | 2014
§  0.411   General reference materials.

   The following reference materials are available in many libraries and
   may be purchased from the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government
   Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402:

   (a) Statutory materials. Laws pertaining to communications are
   contained in Title 47 of the United States Code. Laws enacted since the
   printing of the last supplement to the Code are printed individually as
   slip laws, and these are compiled chronologically in the United States
   Statutes at Large. The Acts of Congress from 1910-62 pertaining to
   radio have been compiled in a single volume, Radio Laws of the United
   States (1962 ed.). See § §  0.405 and 0.414.

   (b) Regulatory materials --(1) The Code of Federal Regulations. The
   rules and regulations of the Commission are contained in chapter I of
   title 47 of the Code of Federal Regulations. Chapter I is divided into
   the following four subchapters, which may be purchased separately:
   Subchapter A--General; Subchapter B--Common Carrier Services;
   Subchapter C--Broadcast Radio Services; and Subchapter D--Private Radio
   Services. Most persons will find that they need subchapter A,
   containing the general rules, and one of the other volumes, depending
   upon their area of interest. These four volumes are revised annually to
   reflect changes in the rules. See § §  0.406, 0.412, and 0.415. The
   Code of Federal Regulations is fully indexed and contains numerous
   finding aids. See 1 CFR appendix C.

   (2) The Federal Register. As rules are adopted, amended, or repealed,
   the changes are published in the Federal Register, which is published
   daily except on legal holidays. Notices of proposed rule making, other
   rule making documents, statements of general policy, interpretations of
   general applicability, and other Commission documents having general
   applicability and legal effect are also published in the Federal
   Register. Summaries of the full Notices of proposed rule making and
   other rule making decisions adopted by the Commission constitute
   rulemaking documents for purposes of Federal Register publication. The
   Federal Register is fully indexed and contains numerous findings aids.

   [ 32 FR 10571 , July 19, 1967, as amended at  44 FR 39180 , July 5, 1979;
    51 FR 7444 , Mar. 4, 1986]

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Goto Section: 0.409 | 0.413

Goto Year: 2012 | 2014
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