Goto Section: 0.601 | 0.603 | Table of Contents

FCC 0.602
Revised as of October 1, 2013
Goto Year:2012 | 2014
§  0.602   Open meetings.

   (a) All meetings shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions
   of this subpart.

   (b) Except as provided in §  0.603, every portion of every meeting
   shall be open to public observation. Observation does not include
   participation or disruptive conduct by observers, and persons engaging
   in such conduct will be removed from the meeting.

   (c) The right of the public to observe open meetings does not alter
   those rules in this chapter which relate to the filing of motions,
   pleadings, or other documents. Unless such pleadings conform to the
   other procedural requirements of this chapter, pleadings based upon
   comments or discussions at open meetings, as a general rule, will not
   become part of the official record, will receive no consideration, and
   no further action by the Commission will be taken thereon.

   (d) Deliberations, discussions, comments or observations made during
   the course of open meetings do not themselves constitute action of the
   Commission. Comments made by Commissioners may be advanced for purposes
   of discussion and may not reflect the ultimate position of a

   [ 42 FR 12867 , Mar. 7, 1977, as amended at  45 FR 63491 , Sept. 25, 1980]

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Goto Section: 0.601 | 0.603

Goto Year: 2012 | 2014
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