Goto Section: 0.61 | 0.91 | Table of Contents

FCC 0.81
Revised as of October 1, 2013
Goto Year:2012 | 2014
§  0.81   Functions of the Office.

   (a) The Office of Workplace Diversity (OWD), as a staff office to the
   Commission, shall develop, coordinate, evaluate, and recommend to the
   Commission policies, programs, and practices that foster a diverse
   workforce and promote and ensure equal opportunity for all employees
   and applicants for employment. A principal function of the Office is to
   lead, advise, and assist the Commission, including all of its component
   Bureau/Office managers, supervisors, and staff, at all levels, on ways
   to promote inclusion and full participation of all employees in pursuit
   of the Commission's mission. In accordance with this function, the
   Office shall:

   (1) Conduct independent analyses of the Commission's policies and
   practices to ensure that those policies and practices foster diversity
   in the workplace and ensure equal opportunity and equal treatment for
   employees and applicants; and

   (2) Advise the Commission, Bureaus, and Offices of their
   responsibilities under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as
   amended; Section 501 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended; Age
   Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967, as amended; Executive Order
   11478; and all other statutes, Executive Orders, and regulatory
   provisions relating to workplace diversity, equal employment
   opportunity, nondiscrimination, and civil rights.

   (b) The Office has the following duties and responsibilities:

   (1) Through its Director, serves as the principal advisor to the
   Chairman and Commission officials on all aspects of workplace
   diversity, affirmative recruitment, equal employment opportunity,
   non-discrimination, and civil rights;

   (2) Provides leadership and guidance to create a work environment that
   values and encourages diversity in the workplace;

   (3) Is responsible for developing, implementing, and evaluating
   programs and policies to foster a workplace whose diversity reflects
   the diverse makeup of the Nation, enhances the mission of the
   Commission, and demonstrates the value and effectiveness of a diverse

   (4) Is responsible for developing, implementing, and evaluating
   programs and policies that promote understanding among members of the
   Commission's workforce of their differences and the value of those
   differences and provide a channel for communication among diverse
   members of the workforce at all levels;

   (5) Develops, implements, and evaluates programs and policies to ensure
   that all members of the Commission's workforce and candidates for
   employment have equal access to opportunities for employment, career
   growth, training, and development and are protected from discrimination
   and harassment;

   (6) Develops and recommends Commission-wide workforce diversity goals
   and reports on achievements;

   (7) Is responsible for developing, implementing, and evaluating
   programs and policies to enable all Bureaus and Offices to manage a
   diverse workforce effectively and in compliance with all equal
   employment opportunity and civil rights requirements;

   (8) Works closely with the Associate Managing Director--Human Resources
   Management to ensure compliance with Federal and Commission recruitment
   and staffing requirements;

   (9) Manages the Commission's equal employment opportunity compliance
   program. Responsibilities in this area include processing complaints
   alleging discrimination, recommending to the Chairman final decisions
   on EEO complaints within the Commission, and providing counseling
   services to employees and applicants on EEO matters;

   (10) Develops and administers the Commission's program of accessibility
   and accommodation for disabled persons in accordance with applicable

   (11) Represents the Commission at meeting with other public and private
   groups and organizations on matters counseling workplace diversity and
   equal employment opportunity and workplace diversity issues;

   (12) Maintains liaison with and solicits views of organizations within
   and outside the Commission on matters relating to equal opportunity and
   workplace diversity.

   [ 61 FR 2727 , Jan. 29, 1996]

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Goto Section: 0.61 | 0.91

Goto Year: 2012 | 2014
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