Goto Section: 1.1156 | 1.1158 | Table of Contents

FCC 1.1157
Revised as of October 1, 2013
Goto Year:2012 | 2014
§  1.1157   Payment of charges for regulatory fees.

   Payment of a regulatory fee, required under § §  1.1152 through 1.1156,
   shall be filed in the following manner:

   (a)(1) The amount of the regulatory fee payment that is due with any
   application for authorization shall be the multiple of the number of
   years in the entire term of the requested license or other
   authorization multiplied by the annual fee payment required in the
   Schedule of Regulatory Fees, effective at the time the application is
   filed. Except as set forth in §  1.1160, advance payments shall be
   final and shall not be readjusted during the term of the license or
   authorization, notwithstanding any subsequent increase or decrease in
   the annual amount of a fee required under the Schedule of Regulatory

   (2) Failure to file the appropriate regulatory fee due with an
   application for authorization will result in the return of the
   accompanying application, including an application for which the
   Commission has assigned a specific filing deadline.

   (b)(1) Payments of standard regulatory fees applicable to certain
   wireless radio, mass media, common carrier, cable and international
   services shall be filed in full on an annual basis at a time announced
   by the Commission or the Managing Director, pursuant to delegated
   authority, and published in the Federal Register .

   (2) Large regulatory fees, as annually defined by the Commission, may
   be submitted in installment payments or in a single payment on a date
   certain as announced by the Commission or the Managing Director,
   pursuant to delegated authority, and published in the Federal Register.

   (c) Standard regulatory fee payments, as well as any installment
   payment, must be filed with a FCC Form 159, FCC Remittance Advice, and
   a FCC Form 159C, Remittance Advice Continuation Sheet, if additional
   space is needed. Failure to submit a copy of FCC Form 159 with a
   standard regulatory fee payment, or an installment payment, will result
   in the return of the submission and a 25 percent penalty if the payment
   is resubmitted after the date the Commission establishes for the
   payment of standard regulatory fees and for any installment payment.

   (1) Any late filed regulatory fee payment will be subject to the
   penalties set forth in section 1.1164.

   (2) If one or more installment payments are untimely submitted or not
   submitted at all, the eligibility of the subject regulatee to submit
   installment payments may be cancelled.

   (d) Any Commercial Mobile Radio Service (CMRS) licensee subject to
   payment of an annual regulatory fee shall retain for a period of two
   (2) years from the date on which the regulatory fee is paid, those
   business records which were used to calculate the amount of the
   regulatory fee.

   [ 60 FR 34031 , June 29, 1995, as amended at  62 FR 59825 , Nov. 5, 1997;
    67 FR 46306 , July 12, 2002]

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Goto Section: 1.1156 | 1.1158

Goto Year: 2012 | 2014
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