Goto Section: 1.1702 | 1.1704 | Table of Contents

FCC 1.1703
Revised as of October 1, 2013
Goto Year:2012 | 2014
§  1.1703   Definitions.

   For purposes of this subpart, the following definitions apply:

   (a) Application. A request on Form 327 for a station license as defined
   in Section 3(b) of the Communications Act, completed in accordance with
   §  78.15 and signed in accordance with §  78.16 of this chapter, or a
   similar request to amend a pending application or to modify or renew an
   authorization. The term also encompasses requests to assign rights
   granted by the authorization or to transfer control of entities holding

   (b) Authorization. A written instrument issued by the FCC conveying
   authority to operate, for a specified period, a station in the Cable
   Television Relay Service. In addition, this term includes authority
   conveyed by operation of rule upon filing notification of aeronautical
   frequency usage by MVPDs or registration statements by cable operators.

   (c) Cable Operations And Licensing System (COALS). The consolidated
   database, application filing system, and processing system for
   Multichannel Video and Cable Television Services (MVCTS) and the Cable
   Television Relay Service (CARS). COALS supports electronic filing of
   all applications, notifications, registrations, reports, and related
   documents by applicants and licensees in the MVCTS and CARS, and
   provides public access to licensing information.

   (d) Cable Television Relay Service (CARS). All services authorized
   under part 78 of this title.

   (e) Filings. Any application, notification, registration statement, or
   report in plain text or, when as prescribed, on FCC Forms 320, 321,
   322, 324, 325, or 327, whether filed in paper form or electronically.

   (f) Multichannel Video and Cable Television Services (MVCTS). All
   services authorized or operated in accordance with part 76 of this

   (g) Receipt date. The date an electronic or paper application is
   received at the appropriate location at the Commission or the lock box
   bank. Major amendments to pending applications as defined in §  78.109
   of this chapter, will result in the assignment of a new receipt date.

   (h) Signed. For manually filed applications only, an original
   hand-written signature. For electronically filed applications only, an
   electronic signature. An electronic signature shall consist of the name
   of the applicant transmitted electronically via COALS and entered on
   the filing as a signature.

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Goto Section: 1.1702 | 1.1704

Goto Year: 2012 | 2014
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