Goto Section: 1.1704 | 1.1706 | Table of Contents

FCC 1.1705
Revised as of October 1, 2013
Goto Year:2012 | 2014
§  1.1705   Forms; electronic and manual filing.

   (a) Application forms. Operators in the Multichannel Video and Cable
   Television Services (MVCTS) and applicants and licensees the Cable
   Television Relay Service (CARS) shall use the following forms and
   associated schedules:

   (1) FCC Form 320, Basic Signal Leakage Performance Report. FCC Form 320
   is used by MVPDs to report compliance with the basic signal leakage
   performance criteria.

   (2) FCC Form 321, Aeronautical Frequency Notification. FCC Form 321 is
   used by MVPDs to notify the Commission prior to operating channels in
   the aeronautical frequency bands.

   (3) FCC Form 322, Cable Community Registration. FCC Form 322 is used by
   cable system operators to commence operation for each community unit.

   (4) FCC Form 324, Operator, Address, and Operational Information
   Changes. FCC Form 324 is used by cable operators to notify the
   Commission of changes in administrative data about the operator and
   operational status changes.

   (5) FCC Form 325, Cable Television System Report. FCC Form 325 is used
   by cable operators to report general information and signal and
   frequency distribution data.

   (6) FCC Form 327, Application for Cable Television Relay Service
   Station License. FCC Form 327 and associated schedules is used to apply
   for initial authorizations, modifications to existing authorizations,
   amendments to pending applications, and renewals of station
   authorizations. FCC Form 327 is also used to apply for Commission
   consent to assignments of existing CARS authorizations and to apply for
   Commission consent to the transfer of control of entities holding CARS

   (b) Electronic filing. Six months after the Commission announces their
   availability for electronic filing, all applications and other filings
   using FCC Forms 320, 321, 322, 324, 325, and 327 and their respective
   associated schedules must be filed electronically in accordance with
   the electronic filing instructions provided by COALS.

   (1) There will be two ways for parties to electronically file
   applications with the Commission: batch and interactive.

   (i) Batch filing. Batch filing involves data transmission in a single
   action. Batch filers will follow a set Commission format for entering
   data. Batch filers will then send, via file transfer protocol, batches
   of data to the Commission for compiling. COALS will compile such
   filings overnight and respond the next business day with a return or
   dismissal of any defective filings. Thus, batch filers will not receive
   immediate correction from the system as they enter the information.

   (ii) Interactive filing. Interactive filing involves data transmission
   with screen-by-screen prompting from the Commission's COALS system.
   Interactive filers will receive prompts from the system identifying
   data entries outside the acceptable ranges of data for the individual
   fields at the time the data entry is made.

   (2) Attachments to applications must be uploaded along with the
   electronically filed application whenever possible.

   (3) Any associated documents submitted with an application must be
   uploaded as attachments to the application whenever possible. The
   attachment should be uploaded via COALS in Adobe Acrobat Portable
   Document Format (PDF) whenever possible.

   (c) Manual filing. (1) Forms 320, 321, 322, 324, 325, and 327 may be
   filed manually.

   (2) Manual filings must be submitted to the Commission at the
   appropriate address with the appropriate filing fee. The addresses for
   filing and the fee amounts for particular applications are listed in
   subpart G of this part, and in the appropriate fee filing guide for
   each service available from the Commission's Forms Distribution Center
   by calling 1-800-418-FORM (3676). The form may be downloaded from the
   Commission's Web site:

   (3) Manual filings requiring fees as set forth at subpart G, of this
   part must be filed in accordance with §  0.401(b) of this chapter.

   (4) Manual filings that do not require fees must be addressed and sent
   to the Media Bureau, Federal Communications Commission, 445 12th
   Street, SW., Washington, DC 20554.

   (5) FCC forms may be reproduced and the copies used in accordance with
   the provisions of §  0.409 of this chapter.

   (d) Applications requiring prior coordination. Parties filing
   applications that require frequency coordination shall, prior to
   filing, complete all applicable frequency coordination requirements in
   §  78.36 of this chapter.

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Goto Section: 1.1704 | 1.1706

Goto Year: 2012 | 2014
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