Goto Section: 1.21001 | 1.21003 | Table of Contents

FCC 1.21002
Revised as of October 1, 2013
Goto Year:2012 | 2014
§  1.21002   Prohibition of certain communications during the competitive
bidding process.

   (a) Definition of Applicant. For purposes of this paragraph, the term
   "applicant" shall include any applicant, each party capable of
   controlling the applicant, and each party that may be controlled by the
   applicant or by a party capable of controlling the applicant.

   (b) Certain Communications Prohibited. After the deadline for
   submitting applications to participate, an applicant is prohibited from
   cooperating or collaborating with any other applicant with respect to
   its own, or one another's, or any other competing applicant's bids or
   bidding strategies, and is prohibited from communicating with any other
   applicant in any manner the substance of its own, or one another's, or
   any other competing applicant's bids or bidding strategies, until after
   the post-auction deadline for winning bidders to submit applications
   for support, unless such applicants are members of a joint bidding
   arrangement identified on the application pursuant to §  1.21001(b)(4).

   (c) Duty To Report Potentially Prohibited Communications. An applicant
   that makes or receives communications that may be prohibited pursuant
   to this paragraph shall report such communications to the Commission
   staff immediately, and in any case no later than 5 business days after
   the communication occurs. An applicant's obligation to make such a
   report continues until the report has been made.

   (d) Procedures for Reporting Potentially Prohibited Communications.
   Particular procedures for parties to report communications that may be
   prohibited under this rule may be established by public notice. If no
   such procedures are established by public notice, the party making the
   report shall do so in writing to the Chief of the Auctions and Spectrum
   Access Division by the most expeditious means available, including
   electronic transmission such as email.

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Goto Section: 1.21001 | 1.21003

Goto Year: 2012 | 2014
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