Goto Section: 1.297 | 1.301 | Table of Contents

FCC 1.298
Revised as of October 1, 2013
Goto Year:2012 | 2014
§  1.298   Rulings; time for action.

   (a) Unless it is found that irreparable injury would thereby be caused
   one of the parties, or that the public interest requires otherwise, or
   unless all parties have consented to the contrary, consideration of
   interlocutory requests will be withheld until the time for filing
   oppositions (and replies, if replies are allowed) has expired. As a
   matter of discretion, however, requests for continuances and extensions
   of time, requests for permission to file pleadings in excess of the
   length prescribed in this chapter, and requests for temporary relief
   may be ruled upon ex parte without waiting for the filing of responsive

   (b) In the discretion of the presiding officer, rulings on
   interlocutory matters may be made orally at the hearing. The presiding
   officer may, in his discretion, state his reasons on the record or
   subsequently issue a written statement of the reasons for his ruling,
   either separately or as part of the initial decision.

   [ 28 FR 12425 , Nov. 22, 1963, as amended at  29 FR 6444 , May 16, 1964;  41 FR 14874 , Apr. 8, 1976]

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Appeal and Reconsideration of Presiding Officer's Ruling

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Goto Section: 1.297 | 1.301

Goto Year: 2012 | 2014
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