Goto Section: 1.3003 | 1.4000 | Table of Contents

FCC 1.3004
Revised as of October 1, 2013
Goto Year:2012 | 2014
§  1.3004   Public disclosure and reporting requirements.

   (a) Public disclosure of gifts accepted from prohibited sources. The
   Commission's Security Operations Office, Office of the Managing
   Director, shall maintain a written record of gifts accepted from
   prohibited sources by the Commission pursuant to section 4(g)(3)
   authority, which will include:

   (1) The identity of the prohibited source;

   (2) A description of the gift;

   (3) The market value of the gift;

   (4) Documentation concerning the prohibited source's reason for the
   gift as required in §  1.3003(f);

   (5) A signed statement of verification from the prohibited source that
   the gift is unconditional and is not contingent on any promise or
   expectation that the Commission's receipt of the gift will benefit the
   proposed donor in any regulatory matter; and

   (6) The date the gift is accepted by the Commission.

   (b) Reporting Requirements for all gifts. The Commission shall file a
   semi-annual report to Congress listing the gift, donor and value of all
   gifts accepted from any donor under this subpart.

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Subpart S--Preemption of Restrictions That "Impair" the Ability To Receive
Television Broadcast Signals, Direct Broadcast Satellite Services, or
Multichannel Multipoint Distribution Services or the Ability To Receive or
Transmit Fixed Wireless Communications Signals

   Source:  66 FR 2333 , Jan. 11, 2001, unless otherwise noted.

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Goto Section: 1.3003 | 1.4000

Goto Year: 2012 | 2014
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