Goto Section: 1.311 | 1.315 | Table of Contents

FCC 1.313
Revised as of October 1, 2013
Goto Year:2012 | 2014
§  1.313   Protective orders.

   The use of the procedures set forth in § §  1.311 through 1.325 of this
   part is subject to control by the presiding officer, who may issue any
   order consistent with the provisions of those sections which is
   appropriate and just for the purpose of protecting parties and
   deponents or of providing for the proper conduct of the proceeding.
   Whenever doing so would be conducive to the efficient and expeditious
   conduct of the proceeding, the presiding officer may convene a
   conference to hear argument and issue a ruling on any disputes that may
   arise under these rules. The ruling, whether written or delivered on
   the record at a conference, may specify any measures, including the
   following to assure proper conduct of the proceeding or to protect any
   party or deponent from annoyance, expense, embarrassment or oppression:

   (a) That depositions shall not be taken or that interrogatories shall
   not be answered.

   (b) That certain matters shall not be inquired into.

   (c) That the scope of the examination or interrogatories shall be
   limited to certain matters.

   (d) That depositions may be taken only at some designated time or
   place, or before an officer, other than that stated in the notice.

   (e) That depositions may be taken only by written interrogatories or
   only upon oral examination.

   (f) That, after being sealed, the deposition shall be opened only by
   order of the presiding officer.

   [ 33 FR 463 , Jan. 12, 1968, as amended at  56 FR 794 , Jan. 9, 1991]

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Goto Section: 1.311 | 1.315

Goto Year: 2012 | 2014
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