Goto Section: 1.415 | 1.420 | Table of Contents

FCC 1.419
Revised as of October 1, 2013
Goto Year:2012 | 2014
§  1.419   Form of comments and replies; number of copies.

   (a) Comments, replies, and other documents filed in a rulemaking
   proceeding shall conform to the requirements of §  1.49.

   (b) Unless otherwise specified by Commission rules, an original and one
   copy of all comments, briefs and other documents filed in a rulemaking
   proceeding shall be furnished to the Commission. The distribution of
   such copies shall be as follows:
   Secretary (original)         1
   Reference Information Center 1
   Total                        2

   Participants filing the required 2 copies who also wish each
   Commissioner to have a personal copy of the comments may file an
   additional 5 copies. The distribution of such copies shall be as
   Commissioners                5
   Secretary (original)         1
   Reference Information Center 1
   Total                        7

   Similarly, members of the general public who wish to express their
   interest by participating informally in a rulemaking proceeding may do
   so by submitting an original and one copy of their comments, without
   regard to form, provided only that the Docket Number is specified in
   the heading. Informal comments filed after close of the reply comment
   period, or, if on reconsideration, the reconsideration reply comment
   period, should be labeled "ex parte" pursuant to §  1.1206(a). Letters
   submitted to Commissioners or Commission staff will be treated in the
   same way as informal comments, as set forth above. Also, to the extent
   that an informal participant wishes to submit to each Commissioner a
   personal copy of a comment and has not submitted or cannot submit the
   comment by electronic mail, the participant may file an additional 5
   copies. The distribution of such copies shall be as follows:
   Commissioners                5
   Secretary (original)         1
   Reference Information Center 1
   Total                        7

   (c) Any person desiring to file identical documents in more than one
   docketed rulemaking proceeding shall furnish the Commission two
   additional copies of any such document for each additional docket. This
   requirement does not apply if the proceedings have been consolidated.

   (d) Participants that file comments and replies in electronic form need
   only submit one copy of those comments, so long as the submission
   conforms to any procedural or filing requirements established for
   formal electronic comments.

   (e) Comments and replies and other documents filed in electronic form
   by a party represented by an attorney shall include the name and
   mailing address of at least one attorney of record. Parties not
   represented by an attorney that file comments and replies and other
   documents in electronic form shall provide their name and mailing

   [ 28 FR 12432 , Nov. 22, 1963, as amended at  41 FR 50399 , Nov. 16, 1976;
    50 FR 26567 , June 27, 1985;  54 FR 29037 , July 11, 1989;  63 FR 24125 ,
   May 1, 1998;  63 FR 56091 , Oct. 21, 1998;  67 FR 13223 , Mar. 21, 2002;  76 FR 24392 , May 2, 2011]

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Goto Section: 1.415 | 1.420

Goto Year: 2012 | 2014
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