Goto Section: 1.45 | 1.47 | Table of Contents

FCC 1.46
Revised as of October 1, 2013
Goto Year:2012 | 2014
§  1.46   Motions for extension of time.

   (a) It is the policy of the Commission that extensions of time shall
   not be routinely granted.

   (b) Motions for extension of time in which to file responses to
   petitions for rulemaking, replies to such responses, comments filed in
   response to notice of proposed rulemaking, replies to such comments and
   other filings in rulemaking proceedings conducted under Subpart C of
   this part shall be filed at least 7 days before the filing date. If a
   timely motion is denied, the responses and comments, replies thereto,
   or other filings need not be filed until 2 business days after the
   Commission acts on the motion. In emergency situations, the Commission
   will consider a late-filed motion for a brief extension of time related
   to the duration of the emergency and will consider motions for
   acceptance of comments, reply comments or other filings made after the
   filing date.

   (c) If a motion for extension of time in which to make filings in
   proceedings other than notice and comment rule making proceedings is
   filed less than 7 days prior to the filing day, the party filing the
   motion shall (in addition to serving the motion on other parties)
   orally notify other parties and Commission staff personnel responsible
   for acting on the motion that the motion has been (or is being) filed.

   [ 39 FR 43301 , Dec. 12, 1974, as amended at  41 FR 9550 , Mar. 5, 1976;  41 FR 14871 , Apr. 8, 1976;  42 FR 28887 , June 6, 1977;  63 FR 24124 , May 1,

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Goto Section: 1.45 | 1.47

Goto Year: 2012 | 2014
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