Goto Section: 1.741 | 1.743 | Table of Contents

FCC 1.742
Revised as of October 1, 2013
Goto Year:2012 | 2014
§  1.742   Place of filing, fees, and number of copies.

   All applications which do not require a fee shall be filed at the
   Commission's main office in Washington, DC., Attention: Office of the
   Secretary. Hand-delivered applications will be dated by the Secretary
   upon receipt (mailed applications will be dated by the Mail Branch) and
   then forwarded to the Wireline Competition Bureau. All applications
   accompanied by a fee payment should be filed with the Commission's
   lockbox bank in accordance with §  1.1105, Schedule of Fees. The number
   of copies required for each application and the nonrefundable
   processing fees and any applicable regulatory fees (see subpart G of
   this part) which must accompany each application in order to qualify it
   for acceptance for filing and consideration are set forth in the rules
   in this chapter relating to various types of applications. However, if
   any application is not of the type covered by this chapter, an original
   and two copies of each such application shall be submitted.

   [ 59 FR 30998 , June 16, 1994, as amended at  67 FR 13223 , Mar. 21, 2002]

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Goto Section: 1.741 | 1.743

Goto Year: 2012 | 2014
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