Goto Section: 1.814 | 1.821 | Table of Contents

FCC 1.815
Revised as of October 1, 2013
Goto Year:2012 | 2014
§  1.815   Reports of annual employment.

   (a) Each common carrier licensee or permittee with 16 or more full time
   employees shall file with the Commission, on or before May 31 of each
   year, on FCC Form 395, an annual employment report.

   (b) A copy of every annual employment report filed by the licensee or
   permittee pursuant to the provisions herein; and copies of all
   exhibits, letters, and other documents filed as part thereof, all
   amendments thereto, all correspondence between the permittee or
   licensee and the Commission pertaining to the reports after they have
   been filed and all documents incorporated herein by reference are open
   for public inspection at the offices of the Commission.

   (c) Cross references--

   (1) [Reserved]

   (2) Applicability of cable television EEO reporting requirements for
   FSS facilities, see §  25.601 of this chapter.

   [ 35 FR 12894 , Aug. 14, 1970, as amended at  36 FR 3119 , Feb. 18, 1971;
    58 FR 42249 , Aug. 9, 1993;  69 FR 72026 , Dec. 10, 2004]

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Grants by Random Selection

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Subpart F--Wireless Radio Services Applications and Proceedings

   Source:  28 FR 12454 , Nov. 22, 1963, unless otherwise noted.

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Scope and Authority

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Goto Section: 1.814 | 1.821

Goto Year: 2012 | 2014
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