Goto Section: 1.903 | 1.911 | Table of Contents

FCC 1.907
Revised as of October 1, 2013
Goto Year:2012 | 2014
§  1.907   Definitions.

   Antenna structure. The term antenna structure includes the radiating
   and receiving elements, its supporting structures, towers, and all
   appurtenances mounted thereon.

   Application. A request on a standard form for a station license as
   defined in §  3(b) of the Communications Act, signed in accordance with
   §  1.917 of this part, or a similar request to amend a pending
   application or to modify or renew an authorization. The term also
   encompasses requests to assign rights granted by the authorization or
   to transfer control of entities holding authorizations.

   Auctionable license. A Wireless Radio Service license identified in
   §  1.2102 of this part for which competitive bidding is used to select
   from among mutually exclusive applications.

   Auctionable license application. A Wireless Radio Service license
   application identified in §  1.2102 of this part for which competitive
   bidding is used if the application is subject to mutually exclusive

   Authorization. A written instrument or oral statement issued by the FCC
   conveying authority to operate, for a specified term, to a station in
   the Wireless Telecommunications Services.

   Authorized bandwidth. The maximum bandwidth permitted to be used by a
   station as specified in the station license. See §  2.202 of this

   Authorized power. The maximum power a station is permitted to use. This
   power is specified by the Commission in the station's authorization or

   Control station. A fixed station, the transmissions of which are used
   to control automatically the emissions or operations of a radio
   station, or a remote base station transmitter.

   Effective radiated power (ERP). The product of the power supplied to
   the antenna multiplied by the gain of the antenna referenced to a
   half-wave dipole.

   Equivalent Isotopically Radiated Power (EIRP). The product of the power
   supplied to the antenna multiplied by the antenna gain referenced to an
   isotropic antenna.

   Fixed station. A station operating at a fixed location.

   Harmful interference. Interference that endangers the functioning of a
   radionavigation service or of other safety services or seriously
   degrades, obstructs, or repeatedly interrupts a radio communications
   service operating in accordance with the Radio Regulations.

   Mobile relay station. A fixed transmitter used to facilitate the
   transmission of communications between mobile units.

   Mobile station. A radio communication station capable of being moved
   and which ordinarily does move.

   Non-auctionable license. A Wireless Radio Service license identified in
   §  1.2102 of this part for which competitive bidding is not used to
   select from among mutually exclusive applications.

   Non-auctionable license application. A Wireless Radio Service license
   application for which §  1.2102 of this part precludes the use of
   competitive bidding if the application is subject to mutually exclusive

   Private Wireless Services. Wireless Radio Services authorized by parts
   80, 87, 90, 95, 97, and 101 that are not Wireless Telecommunications
   Services, as defined in this part.

   Radio station. A separate transmitter or a group of transmitters under
   simultaneous common control, including the accessory equipment required
   for carrying on a radio communications service.

   Receipt date . The date an electronic or paper application is received
   at the appropriate location at the Commission or U.S. Bank. Amendments
   to pending applications may result in the assignment of a new receipt
   date in accordance with §  1.927 of this part.

   Spectrum leasing arrangement. An arrangement between a licensed entity
   and a third-party entity in which the licensee leases certain of its
   spectrum usage rights to a spectrum lessee, as set forth in subpart X
   of this part (47 CFR 1.9001 et seq. ). Spectrum leasing arrangement is
   defined in §  1.9003.

   Spectrum lessee. Any third party entity that leases, pursuant to the
   spectrum leasing rules set forth in subpart X of this part (47 CFR
   1.9001 et seq. ), certain spectrum usage rights held by a licensee.
   Spectrum lessee is defined in §  1.9003.

   Universal Licensing System. The Universal Licensing System (ULS) is the
   consolidated database, application filing system, and processing system
   for all Wireless Radio Services. ULS supports electronic filing of all
   applications and related documents by applicants and licensees in the
   Wireless Radio Services, and provides public access to licensing

   Wireless Radio Services. All radio services authorized in parts 13, 20,
   22, 24, 26, 27, 74, 80, 87, 90, 95, 97 and 101 of this chapter, whether
   commercial or private in nature.

   Wireless Telecommunications Services. Wireless Radio Services, whether
   fixed or mobile, that meet the definition of "telecommunications
   service" as defined by 47 U.S.C. 153, as amended, and are therefore
   subject to regulation on a common carrier basis. Wireless
   Telecommunications Services include all radio services authorized by
   parts 20, 22, 24, 26, and 27 of this chapter. In addition, Wireless
   Telecommunications Services include Public Coast Stations authorized by
   part 80 of this chapter, Commercial Mobile Radio Services authorized by
   part 90 of this chapter, and common carrier fixed microwave services,
   Local Television Transmission Service (LTTS), Local Multipoint
   Distribution Service (LMDS), and Digital Electronic Message Service
   (DEMS), authorized by part 101 of this chapter.

   [ 63 FR 68921 , Dec. 14, 1998, as amended at  73 FR 9018 , Feb. 19, 2008;
    78 FR 41321 , July 10, 2013]

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Application Requirements and Procedures

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Goto Section: 1.903 | 1.911

Goto Year: 2012 | 2014
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