Goto Section: 1.946 | 1.948 | Table of Contents

FCC 1.947
Revised as of October 1, 2013
Goto Year:2012 | 2014
§  1.947   Modification of licenses.

   (a) All major modifications, as defined in §  1.929 of this part,
   require prior Commission approval. Applications for major modifications
   also shall be treated as new applications for determination of filing
   date, Public Notice, and petition to deny purposes.

   (b) Licensees may make minor modifications to station authorizations,
   as defined in §  1.929 of this part (other than pro forma transfers and
   assignments), as a matter of right without prior Commission approval.
   Where other rule parts permit licensees to make permissive changes to
   technical parameters without notifying the Commission (e.g., adding,
   modifying, or deleting internal sites), no notification is required.
   For all other types of minor modifications (e.g., name, address, point
   of contact changes), licensees must notify the Commission by filing FCC
   Form 601 within thirty (30) days of implementing any such changes.

   (c) Multiple pending modification applications requesting changes to
   the same or related technical parameters on an authorization are not
   permitted. If a modification application is pending, any additional
   changes to the same or related technical parameters may be requested
   only in an amendment to the pending modification application.

   (d) Any proposed modification that requires a fee as set forth at part
   1, subpart G, of this chapter must be filed in accordance with
   §  1.913.

   [ 63 FR 68933 , Dec. 14, 1998, as amended at  64 FR 53240 , Oct. 1, 1999]

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Goto Section: 1.946 | 1.948

Goto Year: 2012 | 2014
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