Goto Section: 1.951 | 1.956 | Table of Contents

FCC 1.955
Revised as of October 1, 2013
Goto Year:2012 | 2014
§  1.955   Termination of authorizations.

   (a) Authorizations in general remain valid until terminated in
   accordance with this section, except that the Commission may revoke an
   authorization pursuant to section 312 of the Communications Act of
   1934, as amended. See 47 U.S.C. 312.

   (1) Expiration . Authorizations automatically terminate, without
   specific Commission action, on the expiration date specified therein,
   unless a timely application for renewal is filed. See §  1.949 of this
   part. No authorization granted under the provisions of this part shall
   be for a term longer than ten years, except to the extent a longer term
   is authorized under §  27.13 of part 27 of this chapter.

   (2) Failure to meet construction or coverage requirements.
   Authorizations automatically terminate (in whole or in part as set
   forth in the service rules), without specific Commission action, if the
   licensee fails to meet applicable construction or coverage
   requirements. See §  1.946(c).

   (3) Service discontinued. Authorizations automatically terminate,
   without specific Commission action, if service is permanently
   discontinued. The Commission authorization or the individual service
   rules govern the definition of permanent discontinuance for purposes of
   this section. A licensee who discontinues operations shall notify the
   Commission of the discontinuance of operations by submitting FCC Form
   601 or 605 requesting license cancellation.

   (b) Special temporary authority (STA) automatically terminates without
   specific Commission action upon failure to comply with the terms and
   conditions therein, or at the end of the period specified therein,
   unless a timely request for an extension of the STA term is filed in
   accordance with §  1.931 of this part. If a timely filed request for
   extension of the STA term is dismissed or denied, the STA automatically
   terminates, without specific Commission action, on the day after the
   applicant or the applicant's attorney is notified of the Commission's
   action dismissing or denying the request for extension.

   (c) Authorizations submitted by licensees for cancellation terminate
   when the Commission gives Public Notice of such action.

   [ 63 FR 68934 , Dec. 14, 1998, as amended at  64 FR 53240 , Oct. 1, 1999;
    70 FR 61058 , Oct. 20, 2005;  72 FR 27708 , May 16, 2007;  72 FR 48843 ,
   Aug. 24, 2007]

   Editorial Note: At  64 FR 53240 , Oct. 1, 1999, §  1.955 was amended by
   revising the last sentence of paragraph (b)(2) to read " See
   §  1.946(c) of this part.", effective Nov. 30, 1999. However, paragraph
   (b)(2) does not exist in the 1998 volume.

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Goto Section: 1.951 | 1.956

Goto Year: 2012 | 2014
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