Goto Section: 10.440 | 10.460 | Table of Contents

FCC 10.450
Revised as of October 1, 2013
Goto Year:2012 | 2014
§  10.450   Geographic targeting.

   This section establishes minimum requirements for the geographic
   targeting of Alert Messages. A Participating CMS Provider will
   determine which of its network facilities, elements, and locations will
   be used to geographically target Alert Messages. A Participating CMS
   Provider must transmit any Alert Message that is specified by a
   geocode, circle, or polygon to an area not larger than the provider's
   approximation of coverage for the Counties or County Equivalents with
   which that geocode, circle, or polygon intersects. If, however, the
   propagation area of a provider's transmission site exceeds a single
   County or County Equivalent, a Participating CMS Provider may transmit
   an Alert Message to an area not exceeding the propagation area.

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Goto Section: 10.440 | 10.460

Goto Year: 2012 | 2014
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