Goto Section: 101.17 | 101.23 | Table of Contents

FCC 101.21
Revised as of October 1, 2013
Goto Year:2012 | 2014
§  101.21   Technical content of applications.

   Applications, except FCC Form 175, must contain all technical
   information required by the application form and any additional
   information necessary to fully describe the proposed facilities and to
   demonstrate compliance with all technical requirements of the rules
   governing the radio service involved (see subparts C, F, G, I, J, and L
   of this part, as appropriate). The following paragraphs describe a
   number of technical requirements.

   (a)-(d) [Reserved]

   (e) Each application in the Private Operational Fixed Point-to-Point
   Microwave Service and the Common Carrier Fixed Point-to-Point Microwave
   Service must include the following information:

   Applicant's name and address.

   Transmitting station name.

   Transmitting station coordinates.

   Frequencies and polarizations to be added, changed or deleted.

   Transmitting equipment, its stability, effective isotropic radiated
   power, emission designator, and type of modulation (digital).

   Transmitting antenna(s), model, gain, and, if required, a radiation
   pattern provided or certified by the manufacturer.

   Transmitting antenna center line height(s) above ground level and
   ground elevation above mean sea level.

   Receiving station name.

   Receiving station coordinates.

   Receiving antenna(s), model, gain, and, if required, a radiation
   pattern provided or certified by the manufacturer.

   Receiving antenna center line height(s) above ground level and ground
   elevation above mean sea level.

   Path azimuth and distance.

   Note: The position location of antenna sites shall be determined to an
   accuracy of no less than +-1 second in the horizontal dimensions
   (latitude and longitude) and +-1 meter in the vertical dimension
   (ground elevation) with respect to the National Spacial Reference

   (f) All applicants for regular authorization must, before filing an
   application, major amendments to a pending application, or
   modifications to a license, prior coordinate the proposed frequency
   usage with existing users in the area and other applicants with
   previously filed applications in accordance with the procedures in
   §  101.103. In those frequency bands shared with the
   communication-satellite service, an applicant for a new station, for
   new points of communication, for the initial frequency assignment in a
   shared band for which coordination has not been previously effected, or
   for authority to modify the emission or radiation characteristics of an
   existing station in a manner that may increase the likelihood of
   harmful interference, must ascertain in advance whether the station(s)
   involved lie within the great circle coordination distance contours of
   an existing Earth station or one for which an application has been
   accepted for filing, and must coordinate his proposal with each such
   Earth station operator or applicant. For each potential interference
   path, the applicant must perform the computations required to determine
   that the expected level of interference to or from the terrestrial
   station does not exceed the maximum permissible interference power
   level in accordance with the technical standards and requirements of
   §  25.251 of this chapter. The Commission may, in the course of
   examining any application, require the submission of additional
   showings, complete with pertinent data and calculations in accordance
   with part 25 of this chapter, showing that harmful interference will
   not likely result from the proposed operation. (Technical
   characteristics of the Earth stations on file and coordination contour
   maps for those Earth stations will be kept on file for public
   inspection in the offices of the Commission's International Bureau in
   Washington, DC.)

   (g) Each application in the Local Multipoint Distribution Service and
   24 GHz Service must contain all technical information required by FCC
   Form 601 and any other applicable form or associated Public Notices and
   by any applicable rules in this part.

   [ 61 FR 26677 , May 28, 1996, as amended at  62 FR 23164 , Apr. 29, 1997;
    63 FR 68981 , Dec. 14, 1998;  65 FR 38327 , June 20, 2000;  65 FR 59357 ,
   Oct. 5, 2000;  78 FR 25176 , Apr. 29, 2013]

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Goto Section: 101.17 | 101.23

Goto Year: 2012 | 2014
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